File extension

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A file extension or file type is a part of the file specification that may identify the file structure (such as .TXT for text files or .C for C code) or sometimes the order in which the files should be used (backup savesets for VMSINSTAL have the extensions .A, .B, .C, etc.).

A file type must consist of no more than 39 alphanumeric characters and may include the dollar sign ($) and the underscore(_). Empty file types are also permitted.

Assigning file types in OpenVMS is arbitrary: there is no requirement as to what type a file should have other than if the non-default file type is used, the user will have to enter the file type when using the file.

Default file types

Certain OpenVMS commands and utilities have default file types that are assumed in the default file specification and therefore do not need to be specified: for example, TYPE defaults to .LIS files and @ defaults to .COM files.

Default file types used by DCL commands

File type Contents
.CLD Command description file
.COM Command procedure file
.DAT Data file
.DIF Output created by the DIFFERENCES command
.DIR Directory file
.DIS Distribution list file for the MAIL utility
.EDT Startup command file for the EDT editor
.EXE Executable program image file created by the linker
.HLB Help text library file
.HLP Input source file for help libraries
.INI Initialization file
.JOU Journal file created by the EDT editor
.LIS Listing file created by a language compiler or assembler; default input file for the PRINT and TYPE commands
.LOG Batch job output file
.MAI Mail message file
.MEM Output file created by DIGITAL Standard Runoff (DSR)
.PS POSTSCRIPT format file
.REGIS Regis format file
.RNO Input source file for DIGITAL Standard Runoff (DSR)
.SIX Sixel graphic file
.SYS System image file
.TJL Journal file created by the DECTPU and ACL editors
.TLB Text library file
.TMP Temporary file
.TPU Command file for the EVE editor
.TPU$JOURNAL Journal file created by the EVE editor
.TXT Input file for text libraries or Mail utility output files

Default file types for language source programs

File type Contents
.ADA Input source file for the Compaq Ada compiler
.BAS Input source file for the BASIC compiler
.B32 Input source file for the VAX BLISS-32 compiler
.C Input source file for the Compaq C compiler
.COB Input source file for the VAX COBOL compiler on OpenVMS VAX systems and the Compaq COBOL compiler on OpenVMS Alpha systems
.FOR Input source file for Compaq Fortran (Compaq Fortran for OpenVMS VAX systems was formerly VAX Fortran)
.M64 Input source file for the MACRO-64 assembler for OpenVMS Alpha
.MAP Memory allocation map created by the Linker utility
.MAR Input source file for the VAX MACRO assembler or the MACRO-32 Compiler for OpenVMS Alpha
.MLB Macro library for the MACRO assembler
.MSG Source file that specifies the text of messages
.OBJ Object file created by a language compiler or assembler
.OLB Object module library
.OPT Options file for input to the LINK command
.PAS Input source file for the Pascal compiler
.PLI Input source file for the PL/I compiler
.STB Symbol table file created by the Linker utility
.UPD Update file of changes for a VAX MACRO source program; also input to the SUMSLP utility