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SHOW SYSTEM is a DCL command that displays processes currently present on the system.


Information Displayed

  • /FULL displays all information displayed by the regular SHOW SYSTEM plus process owner UICs and the number of pages in kilobytes:
28E0041C SMISERVER       HIB      9      109   0 00:00:00.01       303    343
         [1,4]                                                           2744Kb
  • /GRAND_TOTAL displays a line at the end with the grand total number of processes and nodes
  • /HEADING (default) displays a line at the beginning with the OpenVMS version, node, date, time, and uptime of the system:
OpenVMS V8.4-2L1  on node SMAN43    2-DEC-2019 03:37:49.56   Uptime  19 21:48:12

This can be switched off with /NOHEADING.

  • /TOTAL displays a line at the end with the total number of processes and the number of processes meeting the criteria specified
  • /IMAGE displays all information displayed by the regular SHOW SYSTEM plus image file specifications (only available to privileged users):
28E00413 JOB_CONTROL     HIB     10      290   0 00:00:00.01       150    211
  • /MULTITHREAD displays all multithreaded processes for the local system. When used with the /FULL qualifier, the /MULTITHREAD qualifier displays information about each kernel thread in a multithreaded process.

Process Filters

  • /BATCH displays batch processes
  • /INTERACTIVE displays interactive processes
  • /NETWORK displays network processes
  • /SUBPROCESS displays subprocesses
  • /OWNER_UIC=uic displays processes with the specified UIC
  • /STATE=state displays processes in the specified state
  • /SCHEDULING_CLASS=class displays processes that belong to a specific scheduling class
  • /PROCESS=process-name displays processes with the matching name; wildcards (* and %) are allowed.
  • /IDENT=pid displays processes with the specified PID


  • /CLUSTER displays processes on all nodes in the cluster
  • /NODE=node displays processes on the specified node

Search Settings

  • /EXACT: use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a search string that must match the search string exactly and must be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").
  • /SEARCH: use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you want to find in the information being displayed.
  • /PAGE: display information one page at a time
  • /HIGHLIGHT: use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the type of highlighting you want when a search string is found.
  • /WRAP: use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond the width of the screen to the next line.


  • /OUTPUT=file sends the output to the specified file. /NOOUTPUT suppresses output.