Build Configurations
New in version 0.0.22
Named build configurations
"builds": { "configurations": [ { "label": "DEBUG", "description": "DEBUG", "command": "", "parameter": "DEBUG" }, { "label": "RELEASE", "description": "RELEASE", "command": "", "parameter": "RELEASE" }, { "label": "myOwnRelease", "description": "My own build release", "command": "executable.mms", "parameter": "" }, { "label": "myOwnDebug", "description": "My own build debug", "command": "", "parameter": "DEBUG" } ] }
- label - unique label, name of build configuration. Also this value is used as output folder.
- description - description
- command - command to build, clean project
- parameter - parameter to pass into command
In case of command is empty the default auto-created MMS file is used to build project. Parameter is used to distinguish DEBUG and RELEASE.
If the user defined command is MMS file, it is processed via command "MMS/EXTENDED_SYNTAX/DESCR=<MMS file> parameter", so the parameter is treated as a target.
If the user defined command is COM file, it is executed like "@<COM file> parameter".
Note: it is recommended that user-defined build procedure creates resulting files into <project root>/<output folder>/<build label> directory.
In the CLEAN operation parameter will be just "CLEAN" string.
Editing of builds is the same as editing of project settings.
To change current build configuration click "Change" on the buildName: line.
To debug a project, there must be a build configuration named DEBUG.
Changes in task2cmd: parameter for any build and clean command must be named build configuration label.