Auto-generated MMS
Revision as of 15:06, 18 August 2019 by Andrey.logachev (talk | contribs)
The default MMS file generated by VMS-IDE: Create MMS
command includes the following operations:
- Collect the list of header files
- Collect the list of source files
- Add header files list as INCLUDES
- Add source files list as SOURCES
- Define the main target depending on the project type
- Define object dependencies
Note: For some languages the compilation order is important. To change the order in which objects are compiled, reorder the object files in the main target definition.
Variables DEBUG, OUTDIR and CONFIG will be defined by the VMS IDE extension during compilation.
! header !auto ! Do not modify this file. It may be overwritten automatically. !auto ! includes !auto INCLUDES= !auto ! sources !auto SOURCES= - !auto myprog.cob !auto ! dependencies !auto .FIRST !auto !auto ! compiler/linker options !auto .IF DEBUG !auto COMPILEFLAGS = /DEBUG/NOOP/LIST=$(MMS$TARGET_NAME)/OBJECT=$(MMS$TARGET) !auto LINKFLAGS = /DEBUG/MAP=$(MMS$TARGET_NAME)/EXECUTABLE=$(MMS$TARGET) !auto .ELSE !auto COMPILEFLAGS = /OBJECT=$(MMS$TARGET) !auto LINKFLAGS = /EXECUTABLE=$(MMS$TARGET) !auto .ENDIF !auto ! directives !auto .SILENT !auto OUT_DIR = .$(OUTDIR).$(CONFIG) !auto OBJ_DIR = $(OUT_DIR).obj !auto .SUFFIXES !auto .SUFFIXES .OBJ .CPP .C .CLD .MSG .BLI .COB .PAS .BAS .F77 .F90 .FOR .B32 .CBL !auto .CPP.OBJ !auto pipe create/dir $(DIR $(MMS$TARGET)) | copy SYS$INPUT nl: !auto $(CXX) $(COMPILEFLAGS) $(MMS$SOURCE) !auto !auto .C.OBJ !auto pipe create/dir $(DIR $(MMS$TARGET)) | copy SYS$INPUT nl: !auto $(CC) $(COMPILEFLAGS) $(MMS$SOURCE) !auto !auto .CLD.OBJ !auto pipe create/dir $(DIR $(MMS$TARGET)) | copy SYS$INPUT nl: !auto SET COMMAND/OBJECT=$(MMS$TARGET) $(MMS$SOURCE) !auto !auto .MSG.OBJ !auto pipe create/dir $(DIR $(MMS$TARGET)) | copy SYS$INPUT nl: !auto MESSAGE /OBJECT=$(MMS$TARGET) $(MMS$SOURCE) !auto !auto .BLI.OBJ !auto pipe create/dir $(DIR $(MMS$TARGET)) | copy SYS$INPUT nl: !auto BLISS $(COMPILEFLAGS) $(MMS$SOURCE) !auto !auto .B32.OBJ !auto pipe create/dir $(DIR $(MMS$TARGET)) | copy SYS$INPUT nl: !auto BLISS $(COMPILEFLAGS) $(MMS$SOURCE) !auto !auto .COB.OBJ !auto pipe create/dir $(DIR $(MMS$TARGET)) | copy SYS$INPUT nl: !auto COBOL $(COMPILEFLAGS) $(MMS$SOURCE) !auto !auto .CBL.OBJ !auto pipe create/dir $(DIR $(MMS$TARGET)) | copy SYS$INPUT nl: !auto COBOL $(COMPILEFLAGS) $(MMS$SOURCE) !auto !auto .PAS.OBJ !auto pipe create/dir $(DIR $(MMS$TARGET)) | copy SYS$INPUT nl: !auto PASCAL $(COMPILEFLAGS) $(MMS$SOURCE) !auto !auto .BAS.OBJ !auto pipe create/dir $(DIR $(MMS$TARGET)) | copy SYS$INPUT nl: !auto BASIC $(COMPILEFLAGS) $(MMS$SOURCE) !auto !auto .F77.OBJ !auto pipe create/dir $(DIR $(MMS$TARGET)) | copy SYS$INPUT nl: !auto FORTRAN $(COMPILEFLAGS) $(MMS$SOURCE) !auto !auto .F90.OBJ !auto pipe create/dir $(DIR $(MMS$TARGET)) | copy SYS$INPUT nl: !auto FORTRAN $(COMPILEFLAGS) $(MMS$SOURCE) !auto !auto .FOR.OBJ !auto pipe create/dir $(DIR $(MMS$TARGET)) | copy SYS$INPUT nl: !auto FORTRAN $(COMPILEFLAGS) $(MMS$SOURCE) !auto !auto .DEFAULT !auto ! Source $(MMS$TARGET) not yet added !auto !auto ! main target !auto [$(OUT_DIR)]$(NAME).EXE : - !auto [$(OBJ_DIR)]myprog.obj !auto CXXLINK $(LINKFLAGS) $(MMS$SOURCE_LIST) !auto !auto ! objects !auto [$(OBJ_DIR)]myprog.obj : myprog.cob $(INCLUDES) !auto