INQUIRE is a DCL command that reads a value from SYS$COMMAND (usually the terminal ininteractive mode or the next line in the main command procedure) and assigns it to a symbol.
INQUIRE symbol-name [prompt-string]
Symbol Name
The symbol that will hold the value from SYS$COMMAND.
Prompt String
The string that will appear on the screen to prompt the user for input. If nothing is specified, the symbol name will be displayed. Unless /NOPUNCTUATION is added, ": " will be added to the prompt string or the symbol name displayed as the prompt string.
- /GLOBAL specifies that the symbol should be placed in the global symbol table.
- /LOCAL specifies that the symbol should be placed in the local symbol table.
- /PUNCTUATION specifies that ": " should be added after the prompt string (default). /NOPUNCTUATION disables that behavior.