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Latest revision as of 09:26, 15 February 2019

The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility, or PCSI, is used to install, remove, and manage layered software products on OpenVMS. It can also save information about software products such as system requirements, installation options, and your answers to questions asked during the product installation procedure. PCSI commands start with the word PRODUCT.

PCSI Files and Databases

The following files are used by the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility:

  • The product description file (PDF), is provided by the software manufacturer. It contains all the information the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility needs for installing either a software product or a set of software products. The PDF includes a list of configuration choices the product offers, default choices, and product requirements (such as minimum hardware configurations and system parameter values).
  • A product text file (PTF), is optionally supplied by the software manufacturer. It provides information about the product. The information includes product name, producer, configuration choice descriptions, and message text used during product installation.
  • A product configuration file (PCF), is optional. It may be supplied by software manufacturer, or you can create it by using the CONFIGURE operation. A PCF contains responses to some or all of the installation questions for a product. It can provide default or required choices, which may differ from the default choices provided in the PDF.

The product database (PDB), is created automatically by the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. When products are installed, the files and other objects that make up the product, such as directories and accounts, are recorded in the PDB. The configuration choices made during installation are also recorded. You can access the PDB to show what products are installed and the dependencies between them. You can also list the files and other objects that make up each product, or the history of installation and upgrade activity.

Format of Software Product Kits

Software products compliant with the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility are distributed in one of two formats:

  • Sequential copy format. In this form, the PDF, the PTF, and all files that comprise the product are packaged in a single container file. This container file can be placed either on a random-access device, such as a compact disc, or on a sequential access device, such as a magnetic tape. Most layered products are distributed in sequential copy format.
  • Reference copy format. In this form, the PDF, the PTF, and all files that comprise the product are placed in a directory tree on a random-access device. OpenVMS is distributed in reference copy format on CD--ROM.

A software product kit packaged in sequential copy format has a container file named in the following format:


A software product kit packaged in reference copy format has a product description file in the root directory named in the following format:


Each subfield is separated by a hyphen and is defined as follows:

  • producer is the legal owner of the software product (for example, DEC)
  • base is the base system that specifies the hardware and software platform on which the product runs (for example, AXPVMS or VAXVMS)
  • product is the name of the software product
  • version identifies the version according to the format tmmnn-ue, where:
    • t is the type of version (a single uppercase alphabetic character).
    • mm is the major version number (decimal integer 01 through 99).
    • nn is the minor version number (decimal integer 00 through 99).
    • the hyphen (-) is required in all cases. When both update level (u) and maintenance edit level (e) are omitted, the version will end with a hyphen and the file name will have a double hyphen (- -) preceding the kit type.
    • u is the update level (decimal integer 1 through 999). The level is optional.
    • e is the maintenance edit level (one or more alphanumeric characters beginning with an alphabetic character). This level is optional.
  • kit_type identifies a kit type specified as a value from 1 through 7:
Value Type Description
1 Full Application software.
2 Operating system Operating system software.
3 Partial An update for the operating system or for a product that is currently installed.
4 Patch A correction to existing software.
5 Platform A software system that has more than one product.
6 Transition A kit that is intended to register a product that was not installed by the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility. Transition kits include only a product definition file and (optionally) a product text file.
7 Mandatory update A required update, which produces functionally updated software that has the same version number.


DCL command Description Privileges required
PRODUCT CONFIGURE Create a product configuration file (PCF) SYSLCK
PRODUCT COPY Copy a software product kit or convert it to another format
PRODUCT EXTRACT FILE Retrieve a specified file or files from a software product kit packaged in sequential format
PRODUCT EXTRACT PDF Retrieve the product description file (PDF) from a software product kit packaged in sequential format
PRODUCT EXTRACT PTF Retrieve the product text file (PTF) from a software product kit packaged in sequential format
PRODUCT EXTRACT RELEASE_NOTES Retrieve the release notes for a selected product
PRODUCT FIND Display the name of product kits found in a specified directory
PRODUCT INSTALL Install one or more software products and updates the product database SYSLCK, SYSPRV (or a system UIC), TMPMBX, and CMKRNL
PRODUCT LIST List a file or files contained in a specified product kit that is packaged in sequential format
PRODUCT PACKAGE Create a software product kit
PRODUCT RECONFIGURE Modify the configuration choices for an installed product and update the product database SYSLCK, SYSPRV (or a system UIC), TMPMBX, and CMKRNL
PRODUCT REGISTER PRODUCT Record product information in the product database SYSLCK and SYSPRV (or a System UIC)
PRODUCT REGISTER VOLUME Record a volume label change of the volume containing the installed products SYSLCK and SYSPRV (or a System UIC)
PRODUCT REMOVE Remove a product from the system and from the product database SYSLCK, SYSPRV (or a system UIC), TMPMBX, and CMKRNL
PRODUCT SHOW HISTORY Display in chronological order the operations performed on software products
PRODUCT SHOW OBJECT Display information about objects created during software product installation SYSLCK
PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT Display information about installed products SYSLCK
PRODUCT SHOW UTILITY Display information about the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility