VMS IDE Python

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Python debugger is in experimental state. Works fine only for Python 2.7


  1. Run python script on VMS side
  2. Breakpoints
  3. Displaying local variables in each accessible frame
  4. Multithreading
  5. Post-mortem information about unhandled exceptions.
  6. Changing variable value
  7. Jump to cursor inside a frame (! killerfeature :) )

How to run

  1. Setup SSH settings
  2. Setup project settings: only "outdir", "root" and include/exclude masks are important. Outdir is used to hold debugger scripts. Masks used only for synchronization.
  3. Setup launch: open launch.json, then "Add configuration" => "VMS IDE: Launch Python script".
Header text Header text
"type": "vms python debugger"
"request": "launch"
"name": "Launch Python Script" just name
"script": "${file}" file name or "${file}" for currently opened file under cursor
"port": "55005-55025" range of local ports on VMS
"arguments": "" script arguments

Select this launch and press F5. Script always stops at the first line.