System Startup
System startup is a complex of events that occur when an OpenVMS system is booted.
Startup Phases
1. Start the CLUSTER_SERVER process. 2. Define logical names needed for basic operations and install images listed in SYS$MANAGER:VMSIMAGES.DAT. 3. Execute SYCONFIG.COM. 4. Add any new drivers by executing AUTOCONFIGURE ALLVAX/IO AUTOCONFIGUREAlpha and I64 5. Install the primary swap file, if the file is present. 6. Start the CONFIGURE process unless NOAUTOCONFIG is set to 1 or STARTUP$AUTOCONFIGURE_ALL is defined as False by SYS$MANAGER:SYCONFIG.COM. 7. Execute SYLOGICALS.COM. At this point, all the devices are available either through the AUTOCONFIGURE command or through the CONFIGURE process. 8. If the system is a satellite node in a VAXcluster or an OpenVMS Cluster environment, execute SATELLITE_PAGE.COM to install page and swap files on a local disk. SATELLITE_PAGE.COM is created when you execute the CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM procedure. 9. Execute SYPAGSWPFILES.COM. 10. Perform the following steps in no specified order:
- Install required images
- Start various operating system processes (OPCOM, CACHE_SERVER, ERRFMT, JOBCTL)
- Execute SYSECURITY.COM and starts the AUDIT_SERVER process
- On VAX systems, start the SECURITY_SERVER which manages the proxy database and intrusion database
- Start the LMF and load all appropriate PAK from the LMF database.
11. Perform the following steps in no specified order:
- Enable operator consoles and the operator log files
- Start the SMISERVER process
The order of the startup phases is determined in the database file VMS$PHASES.DAT.