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COPY is a DCL command that creates a new file from one or more existing files. The COPY command can do the following:

  • Copy an input file to an output file.
  • Concatenate two or more input files into a single output file.
  • Copy a group of input files to a group of output files. You can also specify certain qualifiers to invoke other utilities: o Use /FTP to invoke the FTP utility to transfer files between hosts with possibly dissimilar file systems over a TCP/IP connection.
  • Use /RCP to invoke the RCP utility to copy files from host to host over a TCP/IP connection.
  • Use /RECORDABLE_MEDIA to invoke the CDDVD utility to copy files from host/container file to CD-R/RW or DVD+R/RW.

COPY is invoked with SYS$SYSTEM:COPY.EXE.


COPY  input-filespec[,...] output-filespec


  • /LOG
  • /SINCE
  • /STYLE
  • /RCP