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SCACP (the SCA Control Program) is a system management tool for monitoring and managing cluster communications.

Running the Utility

To invoke SCACP, execute $ MCR SCACP or $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SCACP. Using SCACP requires SYSPRV.


  • SHOW VC displays PEDRIVER virtual circuit information. Each virtual circuit is an SCACP communications path between the local system and a remote system comprised of a set of channels.
  • SHOW CHANNEL displays PEDRIVER channel information for specific nodes. Each channel is a single NISCA communications path between a LAN device on a local system and a LAN device on the remote system.
  • SHOW LAN_DEVICE displays PEDRIVER LAN device information. Each device is a local LAN device on the system, which can be used for NISCA communications.
  • SHOW IP_INTERFACE displays the PEdriver device IP interface data. Each device is an IP interface on the system which can be used for NISCA communications.
  • SHOW PORT displays information about selected SCA ports.
  • SHOW TRACE displays PEDRIVER tracing data and parameters.
  • SET CHANNEL sets channel management parameters (currently restricted to priority).
  • SET VC sets virtual circuit management parameters: checksumming, compression, ECS delay threshold, transmit window size, and receive window size values.
  • SET LAN_DEVICE sets device management priority parameter.
  • SET IP_INTERFACE sets IP interface management priority parameter.
  • SET PORT sets a port management priority value.
  • SET TRACE sets or modifies PEDRIVER tracing parameters.
  • START IP_INTERFACE directs PEDRIVER to start using the specified IP interface.
  • START LAN_DEVICE directs PEDRIVER to start using the specified LAN device.
  • STOP IP_INTERFACE directs PEDRIVER to stop using the specified IP interface.
  • STOP LAN_DEVICE directs PEDRIVER to stop using the specified LAN device.
  • STOP TRACE stops PEDRIVER tracing.
  • CALCULATE WINDOW_SIZE calculates a recommended virtual circuit window size based on distance and aggregate line speed between two nodes.

See also