Error Message

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An errror message is a message that is written to SYS$ERROR to provide information about successful execution of the previous command (if requested) or, usually, an error condition that has occurred. An example of an error message is:

%TYPE-W-SEARCHFAIL, error searching for DKA0:[000000]NOTHHERE.LIS;
-RMS-E-FNF, file not found


Error messages consist of the following parts:

  • FACILITY: the facility or command that has issued the error message. In the example above, facilities are TYPE and RMS.
  • SEVERITY: the severity code for the error message.
  • IDENTIFICATION: the abbreviation of the error message that can be passed as an argument to HELP/MESSAGE to find out more about this error.
  • TEXT: an explanation of the error: in the example above, the "file not found" and "error searching for DKA0:[000000]NOTHHERE.LIS" strings constitute the text part of the respective error messages.

Any or all of these parts can be obtained with the F$MESSAGE() lexical given the $STATUS of the error condition.

List of error messages

%x000001000 %x000001001 %x000001002 %x000001003 %x000001004 %x000001005 %x000001006 %x000001007
Error code Identification Facility Explanation User action
%x0000001 NORMAL, success LIBRAR, LIBRARY Command This message is associated with a code returned by the Librarian utility or generated by the DCL command LIBRARY. The operating system does not normally display this message. None
LBR, Librarian Routines This message is associated with a code returned by the Librarian utility or generated by the DCL command LIBRARY. The operating system does not normally display this message. None
Shared by several facilities The operation completed normally. None
ACME, ACME SYS$ACM[W] Codes The operation completed successfully. The ACME callback was successful. Choose the proper role-based action as follows:
  • End User: None.
  • ACME Programmer: Continue processing.

%x0000002 %x0000003 %x0000004 %x0000005 %x0000006 %x0000007 %x000000A %x000000B %x000000C %x000000D %x000000E %x000000F %x000002A %x000002B %x000002C %x000002D %x000002E %x000002F

NOMSG, no messages defined MESSAGE, Message Utility No messages have been defined in the message source file. Ensure that at least one message definition appears in the message source file.

%x0000008 %x0000009 %x0000010 %x0000011 %x0000012 %x0000013 %x0000014 %x0000015

ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask='xx', virtual address='xxxxxxxx', PC='xxxxxxxx', PSL='xxxxxxxx' TPU, DEC Text Processing Utility (DECTPU) An internal DECTPU failure occurred. Contact VSI customer support
SYSTEM, System Services An image attempted to read from or write to a memory location that is protected from the current mode. This message indicates an exception condition and is followed by a register and stack dump to help locate the error. The reason mask is a longword whose lowest 5 bits, if set, indicate that the instruction caused a length violation (bit 0), referenced the process page table (bit 1), attempted a read/modify operation (bit 2), was a vector operation on an improperly aligned vector element (bit 3), or was a vector instruction reference to an I/O space address (bit 4). This message is also displayed when an attempt has been made to make the user stack larger than the user's virtual address space permits. For example, the automatic user stack expansion algorithm reports an access violation with the following two conditions (which should serve as hints that automatic expansion has failed):
  • The reason mask has the low-order bit set. This indicates a memory reference that is not described in any page table.
  • The relatively small P1 address space virtual address is referenced.
Examine the PC and virtual address displayed in the message. The virtual address is often the address to which the access attempt was made. However, in the case of vector-related access violations and in some processor implementations, the reported virtual address may be some other address in the same page as that address to which the access was attempted. Check the program listing to verify that instruction operands or procedure call arguments are correct. If this message is displayed because of insufficient virtual memory for automatic user stack expansion, reduce the user stack requirements of the image or increase the virtual address space available to the process in which the image is executed.

%x0000016 %x0000017 %x0000018 %x0000019 %x0000020 %x0000021 %x0000022 %x0000023

BADPARAM, bad parameter detected DVR$ Facility (CDA Viewer) An invalid parameter was passed to a routine. Ensure that you call the routine properly. Some parameters must be passed by value, and some must be passed by reference. Check the documentation to ensure that you correctly pass the right number of parameters.
BADPARAM, unable to find load assist parameter VAXCLUSTER, OpenVMS Cluster Software Parameters defined in the MOP downline load database or the satellite's SYSGEN parameter file, VAXVMSSYS.PAR, were not set properly. Check the MOP database using the NCP command SHOW NODE 'node-name' CHAR and check the SYSGEN parameters for the satellite with the SYSGEN command SHOW/CLUSTER.
BADPARAM, parameter to DECthreads operation is invalid CMA, HP POSIX Threads Library for OpenVMS A parameter passed to a DECthreads routine is improper; for example, the value is of the wrong type or is out of range. Determine which routine raised the exception. Then consult the documentation to determine the correct parameters and value ranges. Update your code accordingly and retry the operation.
BADPARAM, insufficient shared memory to create specified data structures SYSGEN, System Generation Utility The sum of all the data structures specified is more than the available amount of shared memory. Recalculate memory usage and reenter the command.
BADPARAM, bad parameter value SYSTEM, System Services A value specified for a system function is not valid. Several conditions can cause this error:
  • If this message occurs as a result of a call to a file system ACP function, it indicates that parameter list options are not valid.
  • If this message occurs as a result of a call to the Formatted ASCII Output ($FAO) system service, it indicates that a control string contained an unknown directive.
  • If this message occurs as a result of a call to a network ACP control function, it indicates that one of the function parameters is out of range or has an invalid format.
  • If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a DR32 interface, an attempt is made to set the data rate higher than the rate allowed by the SYSGEN parameter /XFMAXRATE.
  • If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a standard XADRIVER, an odd transfer count is specified by the P2 argument.
  • If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a DMP11 interface, the rejected parameter code is given in the second longword of the IOSB. The parameter could be rejected because it is not recognized, the parameter value is not legal, or the state is inconsistent with the requested parameter value. If this message is associated with turning on fallback, fallback may not be loaded or the virtual terminal may be disconnected. Reconnect the virtual terminal and enter the request again. If the FB driver is not loaded, ask your system manager to enable fallback. This message can be generated by the device driver interface of the QIOserver when a bad parameter is passed to the QIOserver new unit routine under one of the following circumstances:
    • The driver does not support QIOserver (that is, the DPT$M_QSVR bit is clear).
    • Both the DEV$M_QSVD and DEV$M_QSVBL bits are set in the device characteristics or both are clear.
    • Either the DEV$M_CLU bit is clear or the DEV$M_NOCLU bit is set in the device characteristics.
  • This message can be generated by the device driver interface of the QIOserver when an incorrect parameter or argument is passed to the SYS$QIOSERVER system service. This could include an incorrect item code or an incorrect item descriptor such as an illegal size or a missing buffer address.
Using the debugger, if necessary, determine the system service call that returned the error. Verify that the call to the service is coded correctly. Refer to the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual Vol. I (A-GETUAI) and OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual Vol. II (GETUTC-Z) for coding specifications. In the case of a QIOserver device driver interface error, correct the error in the device driver or in the item list and retry the operation.
BADPARAM, bad parameter LBR, Librarian Routines An illegal value is passed to an LBR routine. Correct the illegal value.

%x0000024 %x0000025 %x0000026 %x0000027 %x0000028 %x0000029 %x0000030 %x0000031

EXQUOTA, registry file quota or page file quota exceeded REG, Registry for OpenVMS A request to create a key or value could not complete successfully because a Registry for OpenVMS database file exceeded its quota. Increase the quota for the file by modifying the Registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Registry\File Quotas\'file name'. For more information about using Registry for OpenVMS or the $REGISTRY system service, consult the "COM, Registry, and Events for OpenVMS Developer's Guide" or the "OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual".
EXQUOTA, process quota exceeded SYSTEM, System Services An image could not continue executing or a command could not execute because the process exceeded one of its resource quotas or limits. If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a DR32 interface, a DR11-W interface, or an LPA11-K driver, the AST quota for the requesting process is exceeded. In the latter case, an AST cannot be queued for a buffer full/empty AST. Normally, a start data transfer request can require no more than three AST blocks at a time. If this message is associated with a vector disabled (VECDIS) status code, the process's paging file quota prohibits the allocation of sufficient process memory for storing its mainline vector state. If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a DUP11 interface, a request cannot be queued because the buffered I/O quota is exceeded. This message can indicate failure to create a subprocess because deductible quotas, when subtracted from the current quotas of the creator, would not leave the minimum required quotas for the creator. This message may also occur if the size of a buffered I/O request exceeds the value of the SYSGEN parameter MAXBUF. Use the DCL command SHOW PROCESS/QUOTAS to determine the current quotas and to determine which quota is exceeded. Determine whether any subprocesses are hibernating and are no longer performing useful functions; delete any such subprocesses. If a program fails consistently because of insufficient quotas, ask the system manager to increase your quotas.
EXQUOTA, maximum number of users exceeded - try again later LOGIN, Login Procedure The installation-defined maximum number of users has been reached. Wait and try to log in later, after other users have logged off.

%x0000032 %x0000033 %x0000034 %x0000035 %x0000036 %x0000037 %x0000038 %x0000039

NOPRIV, Insufficient privileges: (SET,STOP,START & TRACE commands require SYSPRV) SCACP, Systems Communications Architecture Control Program The process does not have sufficient privileges to execute the indicated commands. Ask the system administrator to grant the SYSPRV privilege to the process.
NOPRIV, No privilege for attempted operation GCMSRV, Graphical Configuration Manager Server You do not have the privileges required to perform the attempted operation. Contact your GCM server administrator to request the necessary privileges.
NOPRIV, No privilege for attempted operation GCMSRV, Graphical Configuration Manager Server You do not have the required privileges to start a GCM server. Contact your GCM server administrator to request the necessary privileges.
NOPRIV, user denied privilege to write to volume on 'device-name' MOUNT, Mount Utility The user requested initialization of a volume but does not have the privilege to write to it. Mount either a tape that the user has write privilege to, or a blank tape. Request initialization of this tape when replying to the next mount request.
NOPRIV, operation requires SYSPRV privilege CAF, Cluster Authorization File Service Access to the cluster authorization file requires SYSPRV privilege. Enter a SET PROFILE/PRIVILEGE=SYSPRV command, then reenter your original command.
NOPRIV, insufficient privileges for this operation. CMKRNL, SYSNAM, and SYSPRV are required LICENSE, License Management Utility An attempt was made to enter a LICENSE command for which you need CMKRNL, SYSNAM, and SYSPRV privileges. See your system manager.
NOPRIV, insufficient privilege to display complete information SHOW, SHOW Command You do not have sufficient privilege to see all the users of an Activity license. See your system manager. You must obtain GROUP privilege to see license users in the same group and WORLD privilege to see license users outside your group.
NOPRIV, insufficient privilege or queue protection violation JBC, Job Controller The queue protection denies access to the queue for the specified operation. None.
NOPRIV, insufficient privilege or object protection violation SYSTEM, System Services This message can occur under any of the following conditions:
  • A command or program requested a system function that requires a specific user privilege or privileges that the current process does not have.
  • A program image attempted to access, modify, or delete a control area created and owned by a more privileged access mode. Such areas include pages in memory, I/O channels, or timer queue entries.
  • A command or program requested file or volume access that is denied.
  • The requesting process does not have the privilege to read or write to this mailbox. (The protection mask is defined when the mailbox is created.)
  • The flags parameter to $SUSPND has requested suspension of kernel mode, but the caller is not running in executive or kernel mode.
If the message is in response to a command entered interactively, verify that the particular command or qualifier does not require a specific user privilege or privileges. If the message occurs during the execution of a program, determine the system service call that resulted in the error. Verify that a service or an argument was not used for a particular service that requires a user privilege that you do not have. Or, verify that you are not attempting to modify an RMS file system or system-owned data area or memory page. If this message is associated with a vector disabled (VECDIS) status code, an ACL on the system's vector capability has prevented the process from executing vector instructions. In each case, correct the command or program so that you do not request the privileged function. If you determine that you need the privilege for an application, ask your system manager to give you the necessary privilege. Verify the file or volume name. Have the owner of the file or volume change the protection value.
NOPRIV, insufficient privileges for the requested operation ACME, ACME SYS$ACM[W] Codes The calling process does not possess the necessary privileges to issue the requested SYS$ACM[W] service or perform the requested SET SERVER ACME operation. Choose the proper role-based action as follows:
  • System Manager: evaluate whether privileges should be granted if this is an exceptional circumstance.
  • ACM Client Programmer: review the arguments provided to the SYS$ACM[W] system service to determine which ones are causing the status code.

%x0000040 %x0000041 %x0000042 %x0000043 %x0000044 %x0000045 %x0000046 %x0000047

ABORT, operator requested abort on fatal error BACKUP, Backup Utility In response to a BACKUP-I-SPECIFY prompt, the user or operator entered the QUIT option; the Backup utility terminated. None
ABORT, 'test-name' aborted at 'date' or 'time' UETP, User Environment Test Package A test ended abnormally. Take action based on the accompanying message.
ABORT, abort SYSTEM, System Services The $END_TRANS service returns this message when a transaction aborts. The reason for the abort is specified in the reason code returned in the I/O status block. Take action based on the reason code, then retry the transaction.
ABORT, abort SYSTEM, System Services An attempted operation was aborted by the $CANCEL system service. One of the following occurred:
  • An I/O request was canceled before completion.
  • A logical link was disconnected following a network request.
  • A fatal hardware error occurred.
The operating system does not normally display this message. User programs should be coded to detect and respond to the status return. If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a DMP11 interface, examine the device-dependent longword in the IOSB to determine if the device-dependent longword in the IOSB to determine if the controller is dead. (The controller is dead if the XM$V_ERR_FATAL bit is set.) If the controller is dead, restart the controller. Next, check if the tributary is dead. (The tributary is dead if the SM$V_STS_ACTIVE bit is clear.) If the tributary is dead, restart the tributary.
ABORT, abort SYSGEN, System Generation Utility The action has been aborted. Take action based on the accompanying messages.
ABORT, fatal error encountered; operation terminated PPPD, Point-to-Point Protocol The fatal error reported in an accompanying message caused the command to fail. Correct the problem and retry the operation.
ABORT, fatal error encountered; operation terminated NETWRK, SET/SHOW/START/STOP NETWORK Commands The fatal error reported in an accompanying message caused the command to fail. Correct the problem and retry the operation.
ABORT, operation terminated due to an unrecoverable error condition PCSI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility An unrecoverable error occurred. A message or messages preceding this one describe the error condition. Correct the problem and retry the operation.
ABORT, operation terminated due to an unrecoverable error condition PCSIUI, POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility An unrecoverable error occurred. A message or messages preceding this one describe the error condition. Correct the problem and retry the operation.

%x0000048 %x0000050 %x0000051 %x0000052 %x0000053 %x0000054 %x0000055

BADATTRIB, bad attribute control list SYSTEM, System Services An invalid code or size is specified in the read or write attribute list for a file system ACP QIO function. Check for a programming error. Begin debugging procedures to verify the source of the problem and to correct the problem. Note that when using ANSI-standard magnetic tapes, the block size must be 4 bytes larger than the largest record in a variable record length file, and the largest record that can be written is 2048 bytes. To write files larger than 2048 bytes, mount the tape using the /BLOCKSIZE qualifier.

%x0000056 %x0000057 %x0000058 %x0000059 %x0000060 %x0000061 %x0000062 %x0000063

BADESCAPE, syntax error in escape sequence SYSTEM, System Services A terminal escape sequence is invalid. This message is associated with a status code returned by I/O functions. Check for a programming error. Correct the escape sequence syntax.

%x0000064 %x0000065 %x0000066 %x0000067 %x0000068 %x0000069 %x0000070 %x0000071

BADIMGHDR, bad image header in shareable image file 'file-name' LINK, Linker Utility A shareable image contains a bad image header, or the file is not a shareable image. Correct the problem and relink.
BADIMGHDR, bad image header SYSTEM, System Services An image to be executed with the DCL command RUN or within a process is not in the correct format and cannot be executed. Verify that the specified file is an executable image. If necessary, recompile or reassemble and relink the program to ensure that the image file is in the proper format.

%x0000072 %x0000073 %x0000074 %x0000075 %x0000076 %x0000077 %x0000078 %x0000079

CHANINTLK, channel usage interlocked SYSTEM, System Services An application attempted to perform a terminal I/O request to a pseudoterminal that has a virtual terminal linked to it. Do not use the channel for terminal I/O until the virtual terminal is no longer linked.

%x0000080 %x0000081 %x0000082 %x0000083 %x0000084 %x0000085 %x0000086 %x0000087

CTRLERR, fatal controller error SYSTEM, System Services The exact meaning depends on the device. This message may indicate a hardware error. If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a disk driver or magnetic tape, it indicates a controller-related error. For example, one or more of the following conditions can cause this error:
  • Late data
  • Error confirmation
  • Invalid map register
  • Interface timeout
  • Missed transfer
  • Programming error
  • Read timeout
  • RX01 switch set incorrectly (RX02 only) (disk driver specific)

If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a DR11-W interface, a fatal error that affects all DR11-W activity is set in the DR11-W CSR on completion of the QIO request. Look at the third and fourth words of the IOSB (CSR and EIR) for the specific cause of the error. If the condition indicated in the CSR can be cleared (that is, if the ATTN bit can be cleared), SS$_DRVERR is returned. If the condition cannot be cleared, SS$_CTRLERR is returned. In both cases, the driver performs a device reset to the DR11-W. If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a DR32 interface, a fatal hardware malfunction occurred that stops all DR32 activity. (Only for start data transfer functions.) The second longword of the IOSB contains additional information pertaining to this error. The following bit values are associated with SS$_CTRLERR:


If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a DMC/DMR device, it can occur for one of the following reasons:

  • NAK threshold errors exceeded
  • Timeout on response from remote end
  • Buffer not available
  • Maintenance message received in RUN mode
  • Message too long to fit in receiver buffer
  • Modem has disconnected
  • Start message is received in run mode
  • Nonexistent memory error
  • Halt to DMC/DMR is complete

If this message is displayed, restart the DMC/DMR device.

If this message is associated with a status code returned by an LPA11-K driver, it is a fatal error that affects all LPA11-K activity. The LPA11-K terminates all active requests. The third and fourth words of the IOSB contain the LPA11-K Ready-Out Status Register and Maintenance Register contents. In particular, the high byte of the third word contains the specific LPA11-K error code.

If this message is associated with DEUNA hardware, on a STARTUP request the startup failed because of bad error return from the DEUNA hardware. On a read request, the hardware returned a zero-length message.

Your action depends on the type of device to which the I/O request is directed. If the failure is on STARTUP, the DEUNA should be checked by running UETP, or VSI Customer Support should run the DEUNA diagnostics. If the failure is on a read request and the protocol has enabled PADDING, then the remote software module should be corrected to stop sending zero-length messages. If the failure persists, notify the system manager.

%x0000088 %x0000089 %x0000090 %x0000091 %x0000092 %x0000093 %x0000094 %x0000095

DATACHECK, write check error SYSTEM, System Services The data in memory did not match the data on disk during a data check operation. If this message is associated with a status code returned by an LPA11-K driver, a mismatch between the microcode in memory and the microcode loaded into the LPA11-K is detected. The second word of the IOSB contains the number of bytes successfully loaded. Another possible explanation is that the Ethernet hardware detected a late collision on a write request. If necessary, modify the source program to detect and respond to the condition. If there is a hardware error, check the Ethernet cable and all Ethernet controllers for proper operation. If the error persists, notify the system manager.

%x0000095 %x0000096 %x0000097 %x0000098 %x0000099 %x00000100 %x00000101 %x00000102 %x00000103

DEVFOREIGN, device is mounted foreign SYSTEM, System Services A Files-11 operation was attempted on a device that is mounted foreign. Remount the device as Files-11. If the media is DOS or RT-11 format, use FLX; otherwise, write a program.

%x00000104 %x00000105 %x00000106 %x00000107 %x00000108 %x00000109 %x00000110 %x00000111

DEVMOUNT, device is already mounted SYSTEM, System Services The device specified has a volume mounted and cannot be allocated, or a volume is already mounted on a device for which a mount request is previously issued. Verify the device name (or logical name, if a logical name is specified) and reenter the command with the correct device name. If the device name is correct and if the volume that is mounted can be dismounted, dismount the volume and reenter the request.
DEVMOUNT, a volume is mounted on the device; you must use SET SECURITY to modify the security profile SET, SET Command and SET Utility The SET DEVICE/ACL command cannot be used for a device with an ODS-2 mounted volume. To modify the volume security profile, use the SET SECURITY/CLASS=VOLUME command. To modify the device security profile, use the SET SECURITY/CLASS=DEVICE command.

%x00000112 %x00000113 %x00000114 %x00000115 %x00000116 %x00000117 %x00000118 %x00000119

DEVNOTMBX, device is not a mailbox SYSTEM, System Services An I/O channel specified in a system service request is not currently assigned to a mailbox. The service requires that the device be a mailbox. Check for a programming error. Verify that the channel number specified for the service is valid.

%x00000120 %x00000121 %x00000122 %x00000123 %x00000124 %x00000125 %x00000126 %x00000127

DEVNOTMOUNT, device is not mounted SYSTEM, System Services This message is displayed when you issue the DCL command DISMOUNT for a device that is not mounted, or when you attempt an operation that requires a mounted device. Reenter the command with the mounted device, or mount the device in question.

%x00000128 %x00000129 %x00000130 %x00000131 %x00000132 %x00000133 %x00000134 %x00000135

DEVOFFLINE, device is off line OPCOM, Operator Communication Process This message is displayed on the operator's console when a device goes off line in the OpenVMS system configuration. Take appropriate measures to bring the device on line.
DEVOFFLINE, device is not in configuration or not available SYSTEM, System Services For some device-specific reason, the associated driver is not available. If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a DMC11 interface, the device protocol is not started (read or write). The function is inconsistent with the current state of the unit (Set Mode). Or, possibly the device is not currently on line or the Ethernet protocol has not been specified. In the first case, reenable or repair the device and retry the operation. In the second case, make sure the XE device has been configured as ONLINE. Also, make sure that all parameters in the QIO STARTUP request are supplied, NMASC_PCLI_PTY.

%x00000136 %x00000137 %x00000138 %x00000139 %x00000140 %x00000141 %x00000142 %x00000143

DRVERR, fatal drive error SYSTEM, System Services If this message is returned by a request to a magnetic tape or a disk driver, it is a drive-related error. One or more of the following conditions can cause this error:
  • Drive or driver timing error
  • Illegal function
  • Illegal register
  • Operation incomplete
  • Register modify refused
  • Write clock failure (disk driver-specific)
  • Nonexecutable function (magnetic tape-specific)
  • Register modify refused
  • Write clock failure (disk driver-specific)
  • Nonexecutable function (magnetic tape-specific)
  • Unrecovered reproducible error (magnetic tape-specific)
If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a DR11-W interface, a fatal error that affects all DR11-W activity is set in the DR11-W CSR on completion of the QIO request. Look at the third and fourth words of the IOSB (CSR and EIR) for the specific cause of the error. If the condition indicated in the CSR can be cleared, that is, if the ATTN bit can be cleared, SS$_DRVERR is returned. If the condition cannot be cleared, SS$_CTRLERR is returned. In both cases, the driver performs a device reset to the DR11-W.
Check the status of the device and reenter the command. Verify that the drive is on, loaded, and mounted correctly. If the failure persists, notify the system manager.
DRVERR, fatal drive error MOUNT, Mount Utility In a SCSI OpenVMS Cluster environment, a request has been made to mount a device on a shared SCSI bus and the device does not support SCSI-2 tagged command queuing (TCQ). If you want to mount a device on a shared SCSI bus, the device must support TCQ.

%x00000145 %x00000146 %x00000147 %x00000148 %x00000149 %x00000150 %x00000151

DUPLNAM, duplicate name SYSTEM, System Services This message can occur under either of the following circumstances:
  • A process name specified in a request to create a process duplicates the name of an existing process executing with the same group number. Process names must be unique within a group.
  • A global section name specified in a request to create a global section duplicates the name of an existing global section within the system. Global section names must be unique within a group for group global sections or unique within the system for system global sections.
Specify an alternative process name or global section name. Check whether the existing process or global section with that name should be deleted. If so, use the DCL command STOP to delete the process or use the system service $DGBLSC to delete the global section.

%x00000152 %x00000153 %x00000154 %x00000155 %x00000156 %x00000157 %x00000158 %x00000159

FILACCERR, magnetic tape file access is nonblank SYSTEM, System Services The accessibility characteristic in the HDR1 label is not blank and the file cannot be accessed without overriding the field. Mount the magnetic tape with the /OVERRIDE=ACCESSIBILITY qualifier. (The VOLPRO privilege is required or you must be the owner of the tape.) Otherwise, use another volume.
FILACCERR, magnetic tape file access is nonblank INIT, INITIALIZE Command The accessibility characteristic in the HDR1 label is not blank and the file cannot be accessed without overriding the field. Mount the magnetic tape with the /OVERRIDE=ACCESSIBILITY qualifier. (The VOLPRO privilege is required or you must be the owner of the tape.) Otherwise, use another volume.

%x00000160 %x00000161 %x00000162 %x00000163 %x00000164 %x00000165 %x00000166 %x00000167

FILALRACC, file already accessed on channel SYSTEM, System Services The request failed because the channel over which the $QIO IO$_ACCESS request is issued already had either a file or logical link accessed on it. Check for a programming error.

%x00000168 %x00000169 %x00000170 %x00000171 %x00000172 %x00000173 %x00000174 %x00000175

FILNOTACC, file not accessed on channel SYSTEM, System Services The process is trying to read or write to a channel that does not have a file accessed on it. Modify the source program to correct the problem.

%x00000176 %x00000177 %x00000178 %x00000179 %x00000180 %x00000181 %x00000182 %x00000183

FILNOTEXP, file is not expired on volume on 'volume-name' MOUNT, Mount Utility A tape file cannot be overwritten because it has not reached its expiration date. To overwrite or delete the file, mount the volume with the /OVERRIDE=EXPIRATION qualifier. You must be the owner of the volume or have volume protection (VOLPRO) privilege.
FILNOTEXP, file is not expired SYSTEM, System Services A tape file cannot be overwritten because it has not reached its expiration date. To overwrite or delete the file, mount the volume with the /OVERRIDE=EXPIRATION qualifier. You must be the owner of the volume or have volume protection (VOLPRO) privilege.

%x00000184 %x00000184 %x00000185 %x00000186 %x00000187 %x00000188 %x00000189 %x00000190 %x00000191

FORMAT, device name is not specified in the format ddcu PPPD, Point-to-Point Protocol The device name is not specified in the standard device name format (_ddcu). Trace all logical names pointing to the physical device to ensure that the final definition conforms to the standard device name format (_ddcu).

%x00000192 %x00000193 %x00000194 %x00000195 %x00000196 %x00000197 %x00000198 %x00000199

GPTFULL, global page table is full SYSTEM, System Services Not enough space is available in system memory to maintain information about global sections. This message indicates a system error resulting from insufficient allocated space in the global page table. Notify your system operator or system manager to increase the SYSGEN parameter GBLPAGES.

%x00000200 %x00000201 %x00000202 %x00000203 %x00000204 %x00000205 %x00000207

GSDFULL, global section descriptor table is full SYSTEM, System Services The system cannot create or map a global section because the system space allocated for global section data is full. This message usually indicates that the system is not generated with sufficient space for global section descriptors. Wait and retry the request. If the failure persists, notify the system manager.

%x00000208 %x00000209 %x00000210 %x00000211 %x00000212 %x00000213 %x00000214 %x00000215

LCKPAGFUL, no more pages may be locked in memory SYSTEM, System Services An attempt to lock pages in memory failed because the system limit for the number of locked pages is reached. See your system manager. If some pages were successfully locked, unlock them and attempt to load the new pages.

%x00000216 %x00000217 %x00000218 %x00000219 %x00000220 %x00000221 %x00000222 %x00000223

ILLBLKNUM, illegal logical block number SYSTEM, System Services The logical block number specified does not exist on the disk. If this error results from a Files-11 I/O operation, the file structure is damaged. Check for a programming error. If this error results from a Files-11 I/O operation, repair the volume using the Analyze/Disk_Structure utility.

%x00000224 %x00000225 %x00000226 %x00000227 %x00000228 %x00000229 %x00000230 %x00000231

ILLCNTRFUNC, illegal ACP control function SYSTEM, System Services The control function specified in an IO$_ACPCONTROL QIO request is not a valid function. Check for a programming error. Consult the system services documentation for the correct function codes and coding specifications.

%x00000232 %x00000233 %x00000234 %x00000235 %x00000236 %x00000237 %x00000238 %x00000239

ILLEFC, illegal event flag cluster SYSTEM, System Services An event flag number specified in a system service call is greater than 127. Correct the source program. Verify that the event flag number is correctly coded, and that it is not modified during the execution of the image.

%x00000240 %x00000241 %x00000242 %x00000243 %x00000244 %x00000245 %x00000246 %x00000247

ILLIOFUNC, illegal I/O function code SYSTEM, System Services A function code in an explicit input/output request is invalid. Or, if the errors occurred during a network operation, the user attempted a synchronous disconnect with outstanding transmits. Check for a programming error. Locate the invalid function code and correct it.

%x00000248 %x00000249 %x00000250 %x00000251 %x00000252 %x00000253 %x00000254 %x00000255

ILLPAGCNT, illegal page count parameter SYSTEM, System Services The number of pages specified for an expand or control region request is less than 1 or it would cause the program or control region to exceed its maximum size. Check for a programming error; verify the number of pages specified for the service call.

%x00000256 %x00000257 %x00000258 %x00000259 %x00000260 %x00000261 %x00000262 %x00000263

ILLSER, illegal service call number SYSTEM, System Services An image specified an invalid change mode to executive or kernel service number. Correct the invalid call in the program.

%x00000264 %x00000265 %x00000266 %x00000267 %x00000268 %x00000269 %x00000270 %x00000271

INCVOLLABEL, incorrect volume label SYSTEM, System Services The label specified does not match the label on the volume. Verify that the correct volume is mounted; verify the label entered. Repeat the request, specifying the correct volume label or specifying OVERRIDE:ID, which requires either that you have the volume protection privilege or that you are the volume owner.

%x00000272 %x00000273 %x00000274 %x00000275 %x00000276 %x00000277 %x00000278 %x00000279

INSFARG, insufficient call arguments SYSTEM, System Services A system service argument list contains too few arguments for the service. Check for a programming error. Refer to the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for coding specifications.

%x00000280 %x00000281 %x00000282 %x00000283 %x00000284 %x00000285 %x00000286 %x00000287

INSFWSL, insufficient working set limit SYSTEM, System Services A command or image cannot execute because the current working set limit for the process is less than the number of pages that must be resident in memory at the same time for an image to execute. Check for a programming error; verify that the number of pages requested in a system service request is accurate. If the number of pages is accurate, try to increase the size of the working set limit with the DCL command SET WORKING_SET and retry the program. If this message is associated with a vector disabled (VECDIS) status code, the process's current working set list limit does not allow its mainline vector state to be resident in memory.

%x00000288 %x00000289 %x00000290 %x00000291 %x00000292 %x00000293 %x00000294 %x00000295

INSFMEM, insufficient memory available DECW, DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS The command was unable to complete due to insufficient page file or nonpaged pool resources. Ask your system manager to increase the amount of available memory resources.
INSFMEM, insufficient good memory to continue VAXCLUSTER, OpenVMS Cluster Software Too little memory on the satellite is available for bootstrap execution. Check that the configuration matches the minimum guidelines in the Software Product Description (SPD). If they do not match, add more memory. Run diagnostics on memory to verify that all system memory is functional.
INSFMEM, insufficient dynamic memory SYSTEM, System Services Either a command or image exhausted the system pool of available dynamic memory and the system cannot complete the request, or the system manager did not allocate enough dynamic memory. This message can be generated by the device driver interface of the QIOserver when there is insufficient nonpaged dynamic memory to configure the client or server device in QIOserver. The device is not configured for QIOserver operations, but it is still usable for local operations on the server node. Check for a programming error; this status code can be returned from a system service request when the image has disabled resource wait mode. Notify the system manager if insufficient memory is allocated. In the case of a QIOserver device driver interface error, ask the system manager to increase the size of nonpaged pool or remove other users of pool from the system.

%x00000296 %x00000297 %x00000298 %x00000299 %x00000300 %x00000301 %x00000302 %x00000303

INSFRAME, insufficient call frames to unwind SYSTEM, System Services An unwind request specified a depth that is greater than the number of call frames on the stack. Check for a programming error.

%x00000304 %x00000305 %x00000306 %x00000307 %x00000308 %x00000309 %x00000310 %x00000311

IVADDR, invalid media address SYSTEM, System Services This message can occur for several reasons:
  • An invalid disk address was specified in a physical disk read or write operation.
  • A duplicate address test failed on an attempt to start a network protocol.
  • A hardware error occurred.
Take action appropriate to the cause of the error:
  • If a programming error occurred, update the program to specify a valid disk address.
  • If the error occurred on network activity, contact the network manager, who can do the following tests to determine the cause of the error:
    • Test: Use the NCP command SHOW KNOWN LINES to check whether the user's machine has multiple LAN lines. If so, DECnet for OpenVMS may be trying to use more than one LAN adapter on the same extended LAN. Action: Run DECnet for OpenVMS on only one LAN adapter per machine.
    • Test: Disconnect the erring system from the LAN. Go to another node on the LAN and set host to the erring node. If you get a response, another system on your extended LAN is up and running with your DECnet address. Action: Decide which DECnet address each system can use.
    • Test: Check for a halted node that was last using the disputed DECnet address. Such a node's LAN adapter is still active using the LAN address. Action: Initialize the bus or power off the machine on the node using the disputed DECnet address.
  • If none of the above solutions applies and you suspect a hardware error, contact VSI Customer Support.

%x00000312 %x00000313 %x00000314 %x00000315 %x00000316 %x00000317 %x00000318 %x00000319

IVCHAN, invalid I/O channel SYSTEM, System Services The channel number specified in an input or output request is not a valid channel number; the I/O operation cannot be performed. Check for a programming error. Verify that the request to assign the I/O channel completed successfully and returned a valid channel number.

%x00000320 %x00000321 %x00000322 %x00000323 %x00000324 %x00000325 %x00000326 %x00000327

IVDEVNAM, invalid device name SYSTEM, System Services A device name contains invalid characters, no device is specified, or a command or program accepts only certain types of devices in a particular context. Verify that the device name is specified correctly and is suitable for the requested operation. If a logical name is used, verify that it has been assigned a proper equivalence name.

%x00000328 %x00000329 %x00000330 %x00000331 %x00000332 %x00000333 %x00000334 %x00000335

IVGSDNAM, invalid global section name SYSTEM, System Services An invalid global section name is specified. Refer to the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual Vol. I (A-GETUAI) and OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual Vol. II (GETUTC-Z) for global section name requirements.

%x00000336 %x00000337 %x00000338 %x00000339 %x00000340 %x00000341 %x00000342 %x00000343

IVLOGNAM, invalid logical name SYSTEM, System Services A name string exceeds the maximum length permitted, or has a length of 0, or is longer than the specified maximum length logical name string, table name string, or equivalence string. Logical names are limited to a length of 255 characters; global section names are limited to 43 characters; common event flag, process names, and cluster names are limited to 15 characters. An error can be returned when a name table is defined and the name for the new name table contains invalid characters. If the error occurs during command processing, verify the command. If the error occurs during execution of a program, check that the character string descriptors pointing to name strings indicate the correct lengths.

%x00000344 %x00000345 %x00000346 %x00000347 %x00000348 %x00000349 %x00000350 %x00000351

IVLOGTAB, invalid logical name table SYSTEM, System Services There is an error with the TABNAM argument. Either it contains something other than alphanumeric characters, it specifies a string whose length is not within the required range of 1 to 31 characters, or it was omitted from a clusterwide $CRELNT call. Check for a programming error.

%x00000352 %x00000353 %x00000354 %x00000355 %x00000356 %x00000357 %x00000358 %x00000359

IVQUOTAL, invalid quota list SYSTEM, System Services The quota list specified for a Create Process system service is not in the proper format, or it contains invalid quota names. Verify that the call to the service is programmed correctly. Refer to the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual Vol. I (A-GETUAI) for programming specifications.

%x00000360 %x00000361 %x00000362 %x00000363 %x00000364 %x00000365 %x00000366 %x00000367

IVSECFLG, invalid process or global section flags SYSTEM, System Services This message can be output under either of the following conditions:
  • Flags specified as input arguments to a system service are not valid.
  • You requested the wrong type of access while attempting to map a memory-resident or Galaxy-wide shared section into a shared page table region. For example:
    • You requested write access while the existing shared page table section allows read-only access.
    • You requested read-only access while the existing shared page table section allows write access.
Verify that the call to the service is coded correctly. See the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for coding specifications.

%x00000368 %x00000369 %x00000370 %x00000371 %x00000372 %x00000373 %x00000374 %x00000375

IVSSRQ, invalid system service request SYSTEM, System Services A call was made to a service that does not exist. Check for a programming error.

%x00000376 %x00000377 %x00000378 %x00000379 %x00000380 %x00000381 %x00000382 %x00000383

IVSTSFLG, invalid status flag SYSTEM, System Services If the Create Process system service ($CREPRC) is called, this message indicates that a reserved bit is set in a status flag argument. If the Create Mailbox and Assign Channel system service ($CREMBX) is called, this message indicates that the prmflg byte is not set correctly. If $CREPRC is called, verify that the call is coded correctly. Refer to the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual Vol. I (A-GETUAI) for coding specifications. If $CREMBX is called, set the prmflg argument to either 1 or 0.

%x00000384 %x00000385 %x00000386 %x00000387 %x00000388 %x00000389 %x00000390 %x00000391

IVTIME, invalid time passed in, or computed LIB, Library Facility The value of an argument is out of range, or the computed delta time is out of range. Correct the argument that is out of range or is causing the computed delta time to be out of range.
IVTIME, invalid time SYSTEM, System Services A time value specified in a system service call is invalid. Either a delta time is greater than 10,000 days, or a calculated absolute time is less than the system date and time. Check for a programming error. Verify that the call to the service is coded correctly.

%x00000392 %x00000393 %x00000394 %x00000395 %x00000396 %x00000397 %x00000398 %x00000399

LENVIO, address space length violation SYSTEM, System Services A virtual address specified in a system service call is beyond the end of the process's program or control region. Check for a programming error. Verify that the call to the service is coded correctly.

%x00000400 %x00000401 %x00000402 %x00000403 %x00000404 %x00000405 %x00000406 %x00000407

LKWSETFUL, locked portion of working set is full SYSTEM, System Services No more pages can be locked in the working set because there would not be enough remaining pages available dynamically for the image to continue execution. Use the DCL command SET WORKING_SET to increase the working set limit, if the limit is not already set at the maximum allowed. If the working set limit is already at the maximum allowed, correct the program that attempted to lock too many pages in the working set.

%x00000408 %x00000409 %x00000410 %x00000411 %x00000412 %x00000413 %x00000414 %x00000415

MBTOOSML, mailbox is too small for request SYSTEM, System Services This message can occur under two conditions:
  • A read or write request to a mailbox failed because the message exceeds the maximum message size specified when the mailbox was created.
  • In a call to $GETQUI or $SNDJBC or upon execution of a queuing command (such as PRINT, SUBMIT, SHOW ENTRY, or SHOW QUEUE), your process specifies more than the maximum allowable number of identifiers.
Verify that the call is coded correctly. For a mailbox error, verify the maximum message size specified for the mailbox and increase the size if necessary. For a queuing error, limit the number of identifiers to the current maximum.

%x00000416 %x00000417 %x00000418 %x00000419 %x00000420 %x00000421 %x00000422 %x00000423

MEDOFL, medium is offline SYSTEM, System Services An I/O request cannot be satisfied because the specified device is not online or does not have an accessible physical volume mounted on it. For example, this might occur under one of the following circumstances:
  • A DISMOUNT request was processed for a storage device, and the device has unloaded or ejected the media and now requires that the operator either insert the next volume or remove and reinsert the current media back into the drive.
  • A system I/O configuration error or device hardware error has occurred.
  • A request to start a network interface device has detected that the device is presently not connected to a functioning network.
Perform the physical steps that are required to bring the hardware device back online. For example:
  • Mount the required volume on the device, and repeat the request.
  • Use the MOUNT/NOUNLOAD or the DISMOUNT/NOUNLOAD command to avoid unloading or ejecting the media from the drive. Then repeat the request.
  • Connect the cable from the network interface to the network.

If the device remains offline, contact HP Customer Support for

MEDOFL, disk boot driver failure to open boot device VAXCLUSTER, OpenVMS Cluster Software The satellite node could not put its remote system disk on line. Check the state of the system disk on the boot node. Use the SHOW DEVICE/SERVED command to ensure that the system disk is servable and on line.

%x00000424 %x00000425 %x00000426 %x00000427 %x00000428 %x00000429 %x00000430 %x00000431

%x00000432 %x00000433 %x00000434 %x00000435 %x00000436 %x00000437 %x00000438 %x00000439

NOIOCHAN, no I/O channel available SYSTEM, System Services The process exceeds the number of I/O channels that can be assigned at one time. Deassign another channel, or close a file and retry the operation. Check for a program error that fails to deassign channels or close files. Also check the SYSGEN parameter CHANNELCNT to see if it is high enough.
NOIOCHAN, cannot piggyback I/O channel with PUTMSG TRACE, Traceback Facility This message is associated with a traceback internal consistency check. Contact VSI Customer Support.

%x00000440 %x00000441 %x00000442 %x00000443 %x00000444 %x00000445 %x00000446 %x00000447

NOLOGNAM, no logical name match SYSTEM, System Services A specified logical name does not exist or cannot be deleted by the current access mode. Check for a programming error. Verify the spelling of the logical name.

%x00000448 %x00000449 %x00000450 %x00000451 %x00000452 %x00000453 %x00000454 %x00000455

NONEXDRV, nonexistent drive SYSTEM, System Services Either the drive specified in an I/O request does not exist or the drive select plug is removed. Verify the availability and status of the device. Also, check the source program for errors.

%x00000456 %x00000457 %x00000458 %x00000459 %x00000460 %x00000461 %x00000462 %x00000463

%x00000464 %x00000465 %x00000466 %x00000467 %x00000468 %x00000469 %x00000470 %x00000471

NOTINTBLSZ, block size is greater than 2048 SYSTEM, System Services The block size is greater than 2048 bytes (the default). For a block size greater than 2048 bytes, specify the number of blocks with the /BLOCK qualifier as shown:

%x00000472 %x00000473 %x00000474 %x00000475 %x00000476 %x00000477 %x00000478 %x00000479

NOTLABELMT, tape is not labeled SYSTEM, System Services A request to read a tape failed because the tape does not have standard labels. Verify the tape volume. Mount the tape as a foreign tape, if necessary, to read it. If the tape is to be rewritten, initialize it before retrying the program.

%x00000480 %x00000481 %x00000482 %x00000483 %x00000484 %x00000485 %x00000486 %x00000487

NOTSQDEV, not a sequential device SYSTEM, System Services Sequential access was attempted with a random-access device. Use random access with this device.

%x00000488 %x00000489 %x00000490 %x00000491 %x00000492 %x00000493 %x00000494 %x00000495

PAGOWNVIO, page owner violation SYSTEM, System Services An image attempted to change a page in memory that is owned by a more privileged access mode. For example, an image executing in user mode attempted to delete a page owned by supervisor mode. Verify that pages referred to in system service calls are owned by the calling access mode.

%x00000496 %x00000497 %x00000498 %x00000499 %x00000500 %x00000501 %x00000502 %x00000503

PARITY, parity error SYSTEM, System Services The exact meaning of this message depends on the device. Use the DIAGNOSE command to examine the system error log for more information related to an error occurring on the device at this time. If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a DR11-W interface, a parity error is detected in a block mode transfer when the buffered data path of the UNIBUS adapter is purged. If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a DR32 interface, either the microcode is not loaded successfully or the DR32 controller detected a parity error and a hardware malfunction is indicated. The second longword of the I/O status block contains additional information pertaining to this malfunction for the DR32; the following bit values are associated with SS$_PARITY:

If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a disk driver, one or more of the following conditions can cause this error:

  • Drive parity error
  • ECC hard error
  • Header compare error
  • Map parity error
  • Header CRC error
  • MASSBUS control parity error

If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a magnetic tape driver, one or more of the following conditions can cause this error:

  • Attempt to read beyond the logical end of volume (possibly caused by a missing or overwritten tape mark)
  • Control bus parity error
  • Correctable data error (PE only)
  • Correctable skew (PE only)
  • CRC error (NRZI only)
  • Data bus parity error
  • Format error (PE only)
  • Invalid tape mark (NRZI only)
  • Longitudinal parity error (NRZI only)
  • Map parity error
  • MASSBUS control parity error
  • MASSBUS data parity error
  • Nonstandard gap
  • Read data substitute
  • Uncorrectable error (PE only)
  • Vertical parity error (NRZI only)
  • PE = 9-track, 1600-BPI, phase-encoded tape
  • NRZI = 9-track, 800-BPI, nonreturn-to-zero inverted tape

If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to an LPA11-K driver, a parity error occurred in a UBA-buffered data path. If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to an LPA11-K driver, a parity error occurred in a UBA-buffered data path. If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a terminal driver, a parity bit mismatch was detected by the device interface during a read operation. The I/O operation stopped when the mismatch was detected. (Data is received up to this point in the operation.) SS$_PARITY is meaningful only on terminal lines that have parity enabled.

Your action depends on the type of device to which the I/O request is directed.

%x00000504 %x00000505 %x00000506 %x00000507 %x00000508 %x00000509 %x00000510 %x00000511

PARTESCAPE, partial escape SYSTEM, System Services A terminal escape sequence is only partially stored because the buffer space was exhausted before the sequence was complete. The type-ahead buffer contains the remainder of the escape sequence unless the terminal line had the TT$M_NOTYPEAHD characteristic. Check for a programming error. Modify the source program, if necessary, to detect and respond to the condition.

%x00000512 %x00000513 %x00000514 %x00000515 %x00000516 %x00000517 %x00000518 %x00000519

PFMBSY, page fault monitor is in use SYSTEM, System Services The page fault monitor has already been activated for your process or group. Request the page fault monitor only once per image invocation, or wait until the other user finishes.

%x00000520 %x00000521 %x00000522 %x00000523 %x00000524 %x00000525 %x00000526 %x00000527

PSTFULL, process section table is full SYSTEM, System Services The section table in the process header is full. Additional sections cannot be created for this process. Relink the image, forcing fewer image sections; or reboot, increasing the SYSGEN parameter PROCSECTCNT.

%x00000528 %x00000529 %x00000530 %x00000531 %x00000532 %x00000533 %x00000534 %x00000535

RESULTOVF, resultant string overflow SYSTEM, System Services A user buffer specified to receive data from the system is not long enough. The system does not truncate the data because the loss of data will damage its integrity. Check for a programming error. Verify that character string descriptors for output data buffers reflect the correct lengths.

%x00000536 %x00000537 %x00000538 %x00000539 %x00000540 %x00000541 %x00000542 %x00000543

SECTBLFUL, process or global section table is full SYSTEM, System Services The system space allocated to maintain information about sections is full; no more sections can be created. If you have created many private sections, you may have to delete sections when they are no longer needed. If the error occurs while a global section - in particular a system global section - is being created, this message may indicate that not enough space is allocated at system generation for the section tables. Notify the system manager of the deficiency.

%x00000544 %x00000545 %x00000546 %x00000547 %x00000548 %x00000549 %x00000550 %x00000551

TAPEPOSLOST, magnetic tape position lost SYSTEM, System Services The magnetic tape ancillary control process lost the current position on the tape and cannot continue processing. Close all open files. Dismount and remount the tape and position it to the desired position, if possible. If the error persists, the tape may be defective.

%x00000552 %x00000553 %x00000554 %x00000555 %x00000556 %x00000557 %x00000558 %x00000559

TIMEOUT, device timeout SYSTEM, System Services An input operation did not complete because the timeout period specified with the request elapsed before the input was received. If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to an LPA11-K driver, a device timeout occurred. (Only for the start microprocessor, initialize LPA11-K, set clock, and start data transfer request functions.) An interrupt was not received within 1 second after the request was issued. If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a DR11-W interface driver, the timeout period specified for this request was exceeded. A device reset is issued to the DR11-W when the timeout occurs. If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a terminal driver, the specified terminal could not perform the QIO read operation because a timeout occurred at the terminal. In other words, an interrupt was lost, IO$M_TIMED was specified on a read operation, or a hardware timeout occurred. IOSB+2 contains the number of bytes transferred before the timeout occurred. If the message is associated with a network operation, the connect request was not completed within the maximum time. The action to take depends on the context of the command or application. For example, if a timeout occurs during the execution of a DCL command MOUNT, verify that the physical device is ready and that the volume is properly loaded on the device.

%x00000560 %x00000561 %x00000562 %x00000563 %x00000564 %x00000565 %x00000566 %x00000567

UNASEFC, unassociated event flag cluster SYSTEM, System Services An image called a system service specifying an event flag number in a common cluster with which it is not associated. Check for a programming error. Verify the event flag numbers specified in system service calls, and verify that the required request to associate with the cluster completed successfully.

%x00000568 %x00000569 %x00000570 %x00000571 %x00000572 %x00000573 %x00000574 %x00000575

UNSAFE, drive unsafe SYSTEM, System Services The drive malfunctioned and cannot be used. Check the status of the device and repeat the request. If the failure persists, notify the system manager.

%x00000576 %x00000577 %x00000578 %x00000579 %x00000580 %x00000581 %x00000582 %x00000583

VASFULL, virtual address space is full SYSTEM, System Services The virtual address space is full. This condition can occur if the attempted operation exceeds a settable quota or the architectural limits of the system. On a VAX system, if this message is associated with a vector disabled (VECDIS) status code, insufficient process virtual address space exists to allow the current process's mainline vector state to be saved. Depending on the version of OpenVMS, the following parameters can affect the available address space:
  • The value set by the /PGFLQUOTA qualifier in the ADD or MODIFY commands of the AUTHORIZE utility can be a factor on all versions of OpenVMS.
  • The total size of P0 or P1 space is limited to 1 GB each. This is a hard limit on all versions of OpenVMS.
  • The value of the VIRTUALPAGECNT system parameter limits the total size of the sum of P0 space and P1 space on all versions of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha prior to Version 7.0. VIRTUALPAGECOUNT has no effect on OpenVMS I64 and OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0 or later.
  • The number of pages that a single process can have backed by page files is limited to 4,194,304 on all versions of OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha prior to Version 7.3. This is a hard limit for the affected versions. No such limitation exists on OpenVMS I64 and OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 and later. The usual cause for the VASFULL error is the value set by /PGFLQUOTA. This value should never be set below 1024. By default, /PGFLQUOTA is set to 32768 pages on VAX systems and 50000 pagelets on Alpha and I64 systems. (See the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual for details.) If you raise the value set by /PGFLQUOTA, be sure to log out and log in again before retrying the operation that produced the VASFULL error. For OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0 and later, VIRTUALPAGECNT is not a factor. If you change the value of the VIRTUALPAGECNT system parameter on an earlier version or on a VAX system, you must reboot the system. Some system services can return VASFULL when an allocation fills or exceeds P0 space. For example, a call to SYS$CRMPSC of one billion bytes (2 million blocks) or more will exceed the available P0 space and return a VASFULL error. On OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.0 and later, 64-bit addressing permits the use of P2 space, allowing larger allocations. For example, you can use a 64-bit addressing variation of SYS$CRMPSC. (At the DCL prompt, enter "HELP System_Services" to view a list of the $CRMPSC_*64 system services for OpenVMS Alpha.) On OpenVMS VAX, user programs are limited to an architectural maximum of two billion bytes (the total capacity of P0 and P1 space), less any existing contents.

%x00000584 %x00000585 %x00000586 %x00000587 %x00000588 %x00000589 %x00000590 %x00000591

VECINUSE, vector is in use SYSGEN, System Generation Utility The interrupt vector address specified in a CONNECT command is being used by another device. Change the vector address in the device driver and reenter the command.

%x00000592 %x00000593 %x00000594 %x00000595 %x00000596 %x00000597 %x00000598 %x00000599

VOLINV, volume is not software enabled SYSTEM, System Services The volume valid bit is not set for the volume. All physical and logical I/O operations will be rejected until the bit is set. Check for a programming error. Verify that the volume is mounted and loaded. Check to see that the power is on before retrying the program.

%x00000600 %x00000601 %x00000602 %x00000603 %x00000604 %x00000605 %x00000606 %x00000607

WRITLCK, write lock error SYSTEM, System Services The volume cannot be written because the hardware write-lock switch is set on the drive or the device is software write-locked. Release the write-lock switch and retry the program.

%x00000608 %x00000609 %x00000610 %x00000611 %x00000612 %x00000613 %x00000614 %x00000615

NOTAPEOP, no tape operator SYSTEM, System Services An operation failed because no system operator is available to satisfy a requirement for manual assistance; for example, to mount the next volume in a multivolume tape file. Ensure that the tapes were mounted on the original mount request, or run the job when an operator is present.

%x00000616 %x00000617 %x00000618 %x00000619 %x00000620 %x00000621 %x00000622 %x00000623

IVCHNLSEC, invalid channel for create and map section SYSTEM, System Services The channel number specified is currently active, or there are no files opened on the specified channel. Verify that the $OPEN request (to open the section file) completed successfully and returned a valid channel number.

%x00000624 %x00000625 %x00000626 %x00000627 %x00000628 %x00000629 %x00000630 %x00000631

NOMBX, no associated mailbox for inbound connects SYSTEM, System Services A channel specified for network operations does not have a mailbox associated with it. Correct the source program to create a mailbox, and associate the mailbox with the channel on the assign request.

%x00000632 %x00000633 %x00000634 %x00000635 %x00000636 %x00000637 %x00000638 %x00000639

NOLINKS, maximum network logical links exceeded SYSTEM, System Services The maximum number of allowable logical network links exists and no more slots are available to establish another link. Retry the request later. If the problem persists, ask the system manager to increase the allowed number of logical links. Or, if you have SYSPRV, you could run the Network Control Program (NCP) and change the number of maximum allowable links yourself. To increase the number of allowable links, use the NCP command SET EXECUTOR MAXIMUM LINKS n, where the valid range for n is between 1 and 960, unless the ALIAS MAXIMUM LINKS parameter is also specified, in which case the valid range is between 1 and 512. A reasonable range for maximum links on most networks is between 25 and 50.

%x00000640 %x00000641 %x00000642 %x00000643 %x00000644 %x00000645 %x00000646 %x00000647

NOSOLICIT, interrupt message not solicited SYSTEM, System Services The program attempted to send an interrupt message to a partner on a remote node, but the DECnet implementation on that node has not solicited a message. Wait and retry the request.

%x00000648 %x00000649 %x00000650 %x00000651 %x00000652 %x00000653 %x00000654 %x00000655

NOSUCHNODE, remote node is unknown SYSTEM, System Services The node name portion of a file or task specification refers to a node that either is not part of the cluster or is unknown to the network ACP. Check the node name specification. Use the DCL command SHOW CLUSTER to verify the status of OpenVMS Cluster nodes or use the DCL command SHOW NETWORK to verify the status of the network and available nodes.

%x00000656 %x00000657 %x00000658 %x00000659 %x00000660 %x00000661 %x00000662 %x00000663

REJECT, connect to network object rejected SYSTEM, System Services A request to connect to an object at a remote node failed for one of the following reasons:
  • The object requested does not exist.
  • The access control information specified is invalid.
  • The partner NSP has no resources.
  • The partner task exited during the connect sequence.
  • The partner task rejected the connect.
Determine which reason caused the failure and try to correct the condition.

%x00000664 %x00000665 %x00000666 %x00000667 %x00000668 %x00000669 %x00000670 %x00000671

TOOMUCHDATA, too much optional or interrupt data specified SYSTEM, System Services This message can occur under the following circumstances:
  • A network interrupt message was rejected because it contains more than 16 bytes of data.
  • On a write request, the DEUNA hardware incorrectly read the value for the buffer size because the DEUNA device driver previously verified that the buffer size was correct.
  • An attempt to declare an additional DECnet object failed because the maximum number of objects allowed by the local DECnet node already exists.
The following actions correspond to the causes listed above.
  • Repeat the request; do not specify more than 16 bytes of data.
  • Check the UNIBUS and UNIBUS adapter, especially the Data Path board.
  • Increase the value of the NCP parameter EXECUTOR MAXIMUM DECLARED OBJECTS (default = 31).

%x00000672 %x00000673 %x00000674 %x00000675 %x00000676 %x00000677 %x00000678 %x00000679

BUGCHECK, internal consistency failure SYSTEM, System Services The operating system noted an internal software failure. Collect as much information as possible and contact VSI Customer Support.

%x00000680 %x00000681 %x00000682 %x00000683 %x00000684 %x00000685 %x00000686 %x00000687

FILNOTCNTG, file is not contiguous as required SYSTEM, System Services A system file that must be in contiguous disk format is not contiguous. Use the DCL command COPY/CONTIGUOUS to make a new contiguous version of the file.

%x00000688 %x00000689 %x00000690 %x00000691 %x00000692 %x00000693 %x00000694 %x00000695

BADSTACK, bad stack encountered during exception dispatch SYSTEM, System Services An exception condition occurred during the execution of an image; the exception dispatcher noted an inconsistency in the call stack while searching for condition handlers. Locate the programming error that caused the stack pointers to be overwritten or modified.

%x00000696 %x00000697 %x00000698 %x00000699 %x00000700 %x00000701 %x00000702 %x00000703

MCHECK, detected hardware error, PC='location', PSL='location' SYSTEM, System Services A hardware machine check occurred. Notify the system manager.

%x00000704 %x00000705 %x00000706 %x00000707 %x00000708 %x00000709 %x00000710 %x00000711

DEVACTIVE, device is active SYSTEM, System Services If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a DR32 interface, the microcode cannot be loaded because there is an active data transfer request (only for the load microcode function). If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to an LPA11-K driver, the microcode cannot be loaded or the microprocessor cannot be started because there is an active data transfer request. If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a DR11-W interface, the DR11-W controller is occupied with a request from another process. The operating system does not normally display this message. Modify the source program, if necessary, to detect and respond to the condition.

%x00000712 %x00000713 %x00000714 %x00000715 %x00000716 %x00000717 %x00000718 %x00000719

HANGUP, data set hang-up SYSTEM, System Services The associated terminal data set has been hung up. A Ctrl/Y or unsolicited data AST is delivered. None.

%x00000720 %x00000721 %x00000722 %x00000723 %x00000724 %x00000725 %x00000726 %x00000727

OPINCOMPL, operation is incomplete SYSTEM, System Services This message indicates a hardware or device driver error and can be returned under any of the following conditions:
  • A write request was issued for a disk device before the unit finished restarting after a hardware failure.
  • An attempt was made to read beyond the logical end-of-volume on a magnetic tape device.
  • On a DR11-W I/O request, a block mode transfer operation completed without transferring the requested number of bytes. The DR11-W generates an end-of-transfer interrupt without transferring all the data.
For disks or DR11-W devices, check for hardware errors. Check the cabling and configuration. Ensure that the device driver is compatible with the device. Then retry the write request.

%x00000728 %x00000729 %x00000730 %x00000731 %x00000732 %x00000733 %x00000734 %x00000735

ILLSEQOP, illegal sequential operation SYSTEM, System Services When a sequential access device is used, such as a magnetic tape, certain operations can be performed only at the appropriate time. For example, the control function NEXT VOLUME can be executed only when the tape is positioned within the data section. Examine the source program to determine the logic problem.

%x00000736 %x00000737 %x00000738 %x00000739 %x00000740 %x00000741 %x00000742 %x00000743

IVSECIDCTL, invalid section identification match control SYSTEM, System Services The match control field in the section identification argument to identify a global section contains an invalid number. Verify that the call to the service is coded correctly. See the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for coding specifications.

%x00000744 %x00000745 %x00000746 %x00000747 %x00000748 %x00000749 %x00000750 %x00000751

NOTNETDEV, not a network communication device SYSTEM, System Services The device specified is not a network communications device, and the control function cannot be performed. Check for a programming error. Verify that the device specified in the queue I/O request is a valid communications device.

%x00000752 %x00000753 %x00000754 %x00000755 %x00000756 %x00000757 %x00000758 %x00000759

IVPROTECT, invalid page protection code SYSTEM, System Services A page protection code is specified as 1 or is greater than 15. Check for a programming error.

%x00000760 %x00000761 %x00000762 %x00000763 %x00000764 %x00000765 %x00000766 %x00000767

ACPVAFUL, MTAACP's virtual address space is full SYSTEM, System Services Additional volumes cannot be serviced by the ACP because it does not have enough memory to allocate control information for a new volume. Start a different ACP using the /PROCESSOR qualifier with the DCL command MOUNT.

%x00000768 %x00000769 %x00000770 %x00000771 %x00000772 %x00000773 %x00000774 %x00000775

MTLBLLONG, magnetic tape volume label can be no more than six characters SYSTEM, System Services The label specified for a magnetic tape volume has more than six characters. Respecify the label with six or fewer characters.

%x00000776 %x00000777 %x00000778 %x00000779 %x00000780 %x00000781 %x00000782 %x00000783

BUFBYTALI, device does not support byte-aligned transfers SYSTEM, System Services The device does not support buffers that are not aligned on word boundaries or byte counts that are not an even number. Recode the program using the .ALIGN macro directive, or change the byte count to an even number.

%x00000784 %x00000785 %x00000786 %x00000787 %x00000788 %x00000789 %x00000790 %x00000791

NOAQB, ACP queue header not found SYSTEM, System Services When an ACP started, it was unable to locate its queue header. This error is the result of running an ACP with the DCL command RUN. ACPs can be started only with the DCL command MOUNT. If this message results from the DCL command MOUNT, gather as much information as possible and contact VSI Customer Support.

%x00000792 %x00000793 %x00000794 %x00000795 %x00000796 %x00000797 %x00000798 %x00000799

WRONGACP, wrong ACP for device SYSTEM, System Services This message is associated with a status code returned from the IO$_MOUNT ACP QIO function. The ACP specified is the wrong one for the file structure being mounted. Check the ACP specified in the DCL command MOUNT/PROCESSOR; verify what structure you are trying to mount.

%x00000800 %x00000801 %x00000802 %x00000803 %x00000804 %x00000805 %x00000806 %x00000807

BUFNOTALIGN, buffer incorrectly aligned SYSTEM, System Services A table, list, or buffer area is not correctly aligned. If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a DR32 interface, the command block address in the data transfer command table is not quadword aligned (only for start data transfer functions).
If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to an LPA11-K driver and this error occurs for an initialize LPA11-K request, the initialize command table is not word aligned. If this error occurs for a start data transfer request, there are several possible causes:
  • The user status word (USW) is not word aligned
  • The buffer area is not longword aligned
  • The random channel list (RCL) is not word aligned
Determine which data area is incorrectly aligned and align it on the appropriate boundary; that is, word, longword, and so forth.

%x00000808 %x00000809 %x00000810 %x00000811 %x00000812 %x00000813 %x00000814 %x00000815

DEVCMDERR, device command error SYSTEM, System Services The exact meaning depends on the device. If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to an LPA11-K driver (only for the initialize LPA11-K, set clock, and start data transfer request functions), it is associated with the issuance of a new LPA11-K command. The third and fourth words of the IOSB contain the LPA11-K Ready-Out Status Register and Maintenance Register contents. In particular, the high byte of the third word contains the specific LPA11-K error code. Your action depends on the type of device to which the I/O request is directed.

%x00000816 %x00000817 %x00000818 %x00000819 %x00000820 %x00000821 %x00000822 %x00000823

DEVREQERR, device request error SYSTEM, System Services The exact meaning depends on the device. If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a DR32 interface, a programming error or an error associated with the far-end DR device is indicated. The second longword of the I/O status block contains additional information on the error; the following bit values are associated with SS$_DEVREQERR:

If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to an LPA11-K driver, it indicates an LPA11-K user request error for a start data transfer request. The third and fourth words of the IOSB contain the LPA11-K Ready-Out Status Register and Maintenance Register contents. In particular, the high byte of the third word contains the specific LPA11-K error code. On a write request, the DEUNA failed to transmit the message after 16 attempts.

Your action depends on the type of device to which the I/O request is directed. The Ethernet cable may have short-circuited, or it may have been temporarily overloaded. In either case, check the Ethernet cable and, if it is operational, you might want to send packets again. However, it must be noted that if these kinds of errors persist, the Ethernet is overloaded.

%x00000824 %x00000825 %x00000826 %x00000827 %x00000828 %x00000829 %x00000830 %x00000831

INSFMAPREG, insufficient map registers SYSTEM, System Services This message is associated with a status code returned from a request to an LPA11-K interface device to initialize the LPA11-K or start data transfer. Not enough UNIBUS adapter (UBA) map registers are available to map the command table or buffer areas. If the map registers were preallocated when the drive was loaded, increase the preallocation.

%x00000832 %x00000833 %x00000834 %x00000835 %x00000836 %x00000837 %x00000838 %x00000839

INSFMAPREG, insufficient map registers SYSTEM, System Services This message is associated with a status code returned from a request to an LPA11-K interface device to initialize the LPA11-K or start data transfer. Not enough UNIBUS adapter (UBA) map registers are available to map the command table or buffer areas. If the map registers were preallocated when the drive was loaded, increase the preallocation.

%x00000840 %x00000841 %x00000842 %x00000843 %x00000844 %x00000845 %x00000846 %x00000847

IVBUFLEN, invalid buffer length SYSTEM, System Services The exact meaning of this message depends on the device. If the device is an LPA11-K and if this error occurs for an initialize LPA11-K request, the initialize command table length is not the required 278 bytes. If this error occurs for a start data transfer request, there are several possible causes:
  • The command table length is not the required 40 bytes
  • The buffer area size is not evenly divisible by the number of buffers assigned
  • The individual buffer size is 0
  • The individual buffer size is not a multiple of 2 for a multirequest mode request, or is not 4 for a dedicated mode request
  • The random channel list length is 0 or is not a multiple of 2
  • Bit 15 in the last word of the random channel list is not set

If the device is a DR32 interface, the command block size or the buffer block size is 0 or equal to or greater than 2**29, or the command table length is not XF$K_CMT_LENGTH. If this error was returned by the Pseudo Terminal facility, it

indicates that the buffer size supplied is illegal (less than 0 or greater than 508 characters).
Your action depends on the type of device to which the I/O request is directed. Refer to the HP OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual for additional information. If the error was returned by the Pseudo Terminal facility, check the buffer size.

%x00000848 %x00000849 %x00000850 %x00000851 %x00000852 %x00000853 %x00000854 %x00000855

IVMODE, invalid mode for requested function SYSTEM, System Services This message is associated with a status code returned by an initialize LPA11-K request. The first three bits (2:0) of the first word (mode word) in the command table are not 0. Correct the LPA11-K command table.

%x00000856 %x00000857 %x00000858 %x00000859 %x00000860 %x00000861 %x00000862 %x00000863

MCNOTVALID, device microcode is not valid SYSTEM, System Services The microcode has not been successfully loaded or has become invalid. This is true only for the start microprocessor, initialize LPA11-K, set clock, and start data transfer request. Contact VSI Customer Support.

%x00000864 %x00000865 %x00000866 %x00000867 %x00000868 %x00000869 %x00000870 %x00000871

POWERFAIL, power failure occurred SYSTEM, System Services A power failure occurred while a request was active, or the device was powered down. If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to an LPA11-K driver, a power failure occurred while a request was active. (Only for the start microprocessor, initialize LPA11-K, set clock, and start data transfer request functions.) If appropriate, rerun the program.

%x00000872 %x00000873 %x00000874 %x00000875 %x00000876 %x00000877 %x00000878 %x00000879

SHMGSNOTMAP, shared memory global section not mapped during creation SYSTEM, System Services A shared memory global section creation request did not specify a virtual address range into which the section is to be mapped. The section cannot be initialized unless it is mapped. Specify an input address range to map the section. Set RELPAG to 0.

%x00000880 %x00000881 %x00000882 %x00000883 %x00000884 %x00000885 %x00000886 %x00000887

TOOMANYLNAM, logical name translations exceeded SYSTEM, System Services This message can occur for one of the following reasons:
  • Ten translations were performed on the logical name, but the name has not been translated.
  • An attempt was made to create a logical name with more than 128 equivalence names.
For the first case noted under Explanation, display all logical name tables and remove those entries that caused the problem. In the second case listed under Explanation, check your program and correct it.

%x00000888 %x00000889 %x00000890 %x00000891 %x00000892 %x00000893 %x00000894 %x00000895

SHMNOTCNCT, shared memory not connected SYSTEM, System Services The shared memory specified (that is, that part of the name to the left of the colon [:]) is not connected to this processor. This error also occurs when colons are inadvertently placed in common event flag cluster, mailbox, or global section names. Connect the shared memory.

%x00000896 %x00000897 %x00000898 %x00000899 %x00000900 %x00000901 %x00000902 %x00000903

NOTCREATOR, request denied; user is not on creator port SYSTEM, System Services A shared memory global section may be deleted or updated only by a process running on the same processor as the creator of the section. If the processor becomes inoperative, no one owns the section. Enter the request from the creator's processor. After a processor becomes inoperative, it will be necessary to reboot and reinitialize the shared memory in order to delete those sections without owners.

%x00000904 %x00000905 %x00000906 %x00000907 %x00000908 %x00000909 %x00000910 %x00000911

INTERLOCK, unable to acquire system data structure interlock SYSTEM, System Services The system data structure interlock cannot be acquired. Another processor probably crashed while holding a data structure lock. Retry the operation, or reboot the system and reinitialize shared memory. Refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

%x00000912 %x00000913 %x00000914 %x00000915 %x00000916 %x00000917 %x00000918 %x00000919

BADQUEUEHDR, interlocked queue corrupted SYSTEM, System Services An interlocked queue is corrupt. If this message is associated with a status code returned by a request to a DR32 interface, an INPTQ or TERMQ interlock timeout occurred. Determine why the queue became corrupted and correct the problem.

%x00000920 %x00000921 %x00000922 %x00000923 %x00000924 %x00000925 %x00000926 %x00000927

NOSLOT, no PCB available SYSTEM, System Services The maximum number of processes that can be created at one time has been exceeded. Wait for another process to be deleted, or increase the MAXPROCESSCNT system parameter.

%x00000928 %x00000929 %x00000930 %x00000931 %x00000932 %x00000933 %x00000934 %x00000935

SUSPENDED, process is suspended SYSTEM, System Services The specified process is suspended or placed in miscellaneous wait state. The requested operation cannot be performed when the specified process is suspended. Resume the process or retry the operation.

%x00000936 %x00000937 %x00000938 %x00000939 %x00000940 %x00000941 %x00000942 %x00000943

EXPORTQUOTA, port's quota exceeded SYSTEM, System Services The quota permitted by processes on this port of a multiport (shared) memory has been exceeded. Wait until other processes release the required resource, or reboot the OpenVMS operating system and reconnect shared memory, specifying a larger quota.

%x00000944 %x00000945 %x00000946 %x00000947 %x00000948 %x00000949 %x00000950 %x00000951

NOSHMBLOCK, no free shared memory block available for creation SYSTEM, System Services No free shared memory control block (mailbox, common event flag cluster, or global section descriptor) is available for creation. Wait for the resource to become available, or reboot the system and reinitialize shared memory, specifying more of the needed resource.

%x00000952 %x00000953 %x00000954 %x00000955 %x00000956 %x00000957 %x00000958 %x00000959

NOQFILE, no disk quota file available SYSTEM, System Services The quota file does not exist. Verify that you are using the correct device, or create the quota file.

%x00000960 %x00000961 %x00000962 %x00000963 %x00000964 %x00000965 %x00000966 %x00000967

NOQFILE, no disk quota file available SYSTEM, System Services The quota file does not exist. Verify that you are using the correct device, or create the quota file.

%x00000968 %x00000969 %x00000970 %x00000971 %x00000972 %x00000973 %x00000974 %x00000975

QFACTIVE, disk quota file is already active SYSTEM, System Services The quota file is already active. Check the device specified and proceed.

%x00000976 %x00000977 %x00000978 %x00000979 %x00000980 %x00000981 %x00000982 %x00000983

QFNOTACT, disk quotas not enabled on this volume SYSTEM, System Services The quota file is not active. Check the device specified, or check the default device. Turn quotas on, if appropriate.

%x00000984 %x00000985 %x00000986 %x00000987 %x00000988 %x00000989 %x00000990 %x00000991

DUPDSKQUOTA, duplicate disk quota file entry SYSTEM, System Services Another quota entry for the specified UIC already exists. Correct the UIC, or select and reenter another UIC.

%x00000992 %x00000993 %x00000994 %x00000995 %x00000996 %x00000997 %x00000998 %x00000999

NODISKQUOTA, no disk quota entry for this UIC SYSTEM, System Services The specified quota file entry does not exist. Check the UIC given. Either add a quota file entry for it or use another UIC.
EXDISKQUOTA, disk quota exceeded SYSTEM, System Services The disk quota has been exceeded while attempting to create or extend a file. Reduce disk usage by deleting files, or have the system manager increase the quota.

%x000001008 %x000001009 %x000001010 %x000001011 %x000001012 %x000001013 %x000001014 %x000001015

IDMISMATCH, ident mismatch with existing global section SYSTEM, System Services The ident is part of the global section name. An attempt is made to create a shared memory global section using an ident with the same name as that of an existing shared memory section. This error occurs when an attempt is made to install an image in shared memory (MA780) from two processors that do not have identical image files. Copy the file from one processor to the other and retry the operation.

%x000001016 %x000001017 %x000001018 %x000001019 %x000001020 %x000001021 %x000001022 %x000001023

NOWRT, cannot create writable section to read-only file SYSTEM, System Services An image file that is read-only contains a writable section. A writable section cannot be created to a read-only file. Close and open the file correctly. If the Install utility returns this error, reenter the command and use the /WRITE qualifier in addition to the /SHARE qualifier.

%x000001024 %x000001025 %x000001026 %x000001027 %x000001028 %x000001029 %x000001030 %x000001031

%PLHLDR %SYSTEM Reserved for future use None

%x000001032 %x000001033 %x000001034 %x000001035 %x000001036 %x000001037 %x000001038 %x000001039

ASTFLT, AST fault, SP='xxxxxxxx', param='xxxxxxxx', PC='location', PSL='xxxxxxxx', target PC='location', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services The system attempted to deliver an asynchronous system trap (AST) to an image, but the user stack pointer is either invalid or does not have sufficient space for the AST call frame. This message indicates an exception condition and is usually followed by a display of the condition arguments, the registers, and the stack at the time of the exception. Examine the parameters displayed in the message to determine the instruction that caused the error. Locate the programming error that modified the stack.

%x000001040 %x000001041 %x000001042 %x000001043 %x000001044 %x000001045 %x000001046 %x000001047

BREAK, breakpoint fault at PC='location', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services A breakpoint instruction is encountered. This message indicates an exception condition that is not handled by the condition handler and is usually followed by a display of the condition arguments, registers, and stack at the time of the exception. Examine the PC and virtual address displayed in the message to correct the instruction that caused the error.

%x000001048 %x000001049 %x000001050 %x000001051 %x000001052 %x000001053 %x000001054 %x000001055

CMODSUPR, change mode to supervisor trap, code='nnn', PC='location', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An image attempted to execute a change mode to supervisor instruction, but the image did not have a change mode handler declared. This message indicates an exception condition and is usually followed by a display of the condition arguments, registers, and stack at the time of the exception. The code displayed in the message is the change mode code specified in the instruction. Examine the PC and virtual address displayed in the message to determine which instruction caused the error.

%x000001056 %x000001057 %x000001058 %x000001059 %x000001060 %x000001061 %x000001062 %x000001063

CMODUSER, change mode to user trap, code='nnn', PC='location', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An image attempted to execute a change mode to user instruction, but the image did not have a change mode handler declared. This message indicates an exception condition and is usually followed by a display of the condition arguments, registers, and stack at the time of the exception. Examine the PC and virtual address displayed in the message to determine which instruction caused the error.

%x000001064 %x000001065 %x000001066 %x000001067 %x000001068 %x000001069 %x000001070 %x000001071

COMPAT, compatibility mode fault (code 'nnn') at PC='location', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An RSX-11M image attempted to execute an illegal instruction, indicated by one of the following codes:
Code Meaning
0 Reserved instruction execution
1 BPT instruction executed
2 IOT instruction executed
3 EMT instruction executed
4 TRAP instruction executed
5 Illegal instruction executed
6 Odd address fault
7 TBIT trap
Check for a programming error and make any necessary corrections.

%x000001072 %x000001073 %x000001074 %x000001075 %x000001076 %x000001077 %x000001078 %x000001079

OPCCUS, opcode reserved to customer fault at PC='location', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An operation code beginning with ^XFC is encountered during execution of an image. This message indicates an exception condition and is usually followed by a display of the condition arguments, registers, and stack at the time of the exception. Examine the PC and virtual address displayed in the message to determine the instruction that caused the error.

%x000001080 %x000001081 %x000001082 %x000001083 %x000001084 %x000001085 %x000001086 %x000001087

OPCDEC, opcode reserved to Digital fault at PC='location', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services The operation code at the indicated address is not known. This message indicates an exception condition and is usually followed by a display of the condition arguments, registers, and stack at the time of the exception. Examine the PC and virtual address displayed in the message to determine the instruction that caused the error.

%x000001088 %x000001089 %x000001090 %x000001091 %x000001092 %x000001093 %x000001094 %x000001095

PAGRDERR, page read error, reason mask='xx', virtual address='location', PC='location', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services The system failed to read a page from disk into memory during a page fault operation. This message is usually followed by a display of the condition arguments, registers, and stack at the time the exception condition occurred. The virtual address might indicate an address within the page that incurred the read error, rather than the exact address being referenced at the time of the error. Check the status of the device and repeat the request. Also use the DCL command ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE/READ_CHECK to check for a FORCEDERROR message on the image or in the page file. If the failure persists, notify your system manager.

%x000001096 %x000001097 %x000001098 %x000001099 %x000001100 %x000001101 %x000001102 %x000001103

RADRMOD, reserved addressing fault at PC='location', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An instruction specifies an addressing mode that is illegal within the context of its use. This message indicates an exception condition and is usually followed by a display of the condition arguments, registers, and stack at the time of the exception. Examine the PC and virtual address displayed in the message to determine the instruction that caused the error.

%x000001104 %x000001105 %x000001106 %x000001107 %x000001108 %x000001109 %x000001110 %x000001111

ROPRAND, reserved operand fault at PC='location', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An instruction contains an operand in a format that is not acceptable. This message indicates an exception condition and is usually followed by a display of the condition arguments, registers, and stack at the time of the exception. Check for a programming error. Examine the PC and virtual address displayed in the message to determine the instruction that caused the error.

%x000001112 %x000001113 %x000001114 %x000001115 %x000001116 %x000001117 %x000001118 %x000001119

SSFAIL, system service failure exception, status='xxxxxxxx', PC='location', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services A call to a system service returned an error or a severe error status code. The image has enabled system service failure exception mode. This mode allows an image to signal a software exception when a failure occurs in a system service call. The operating system displays the failure status code, the PC, and the PSL at the time of the exception. Examine the PC and virtual address displayed in the message to determine the instruction that caused the error.

%x000001120 %x000001121 %x000001122 %x000001123 %x000001124 %x000001125 %x000001126 %x000001127

TBIT, T-bit pending trap at PC='location', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services This message indicates an exception condition. It is usually followed by a display of the condition arguments, registers, and stack at the time of the exception. Examine the PC and virtual address displayed in the message to determine the instruction that caused the error.

%x000001128 %x000001129 %x000001130 %x000001131 %x000001132 %x000001133 %x000001134 %x000001135

DEBUG, command interpreter debugger signal at PC='location', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services The DCL command DEBUG is issued after Ctrl/Y interrupted an image that is not linked with the debugger. Link the image with the /DEBUG qualifier to enable use of the debugger.

%x000001136 %x000001137 %x000001138 %x000001139 %x000001140 %x000001141 %x000001142 %x000001143

ARTRES, reserved arithmetic trap at PC='location', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An unknown arithmetic exception occurred. This message should not occur. If it does occur, inform the system manager.

%x000001144 %x000001145 %x000001146 %x000001147 %x000001148 %x000001149 %x000001150 %x000001151

INTOVF_F, integer overflow fault, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An integer overflow occurred on an OpenVMS Alpha CVTQL or CVTGQ instruction, and integer overflow reporting is explicitly enabled in the instruction. Examine the PC location displayed in the message. Check the program listing to verify that the operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001152 %x000001153 %x000001154 %x000001155 %x000001156 %x000001157 %x000001158 %x000001159

INTDIV, arithmetic trap, integer divide by zero at PC='xxxxxxxx', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An arithmetic exception condition occurred as a result of an attempt to divide by 0. Examine the PC location displayed in the message and check the program listing to verify that operands and variables are specified correctly.

%x000001160 %x000001161 %x000001162 %x000001163 %x000001164 %x000001165 %x000001166 %x000001167

FLTOVF, arithmetic trap, floating overflow at PC='xxxxxxxx', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An arithmetic exception condition occurred as a result of a floating-point overflow. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001168 %x000001169 %x000001170 %x000001171 %x000001172 %x000001173 %x000001174 %x000001175

FLTDIV, arithmetic trap, floating/decimal divide by zero at PC='xxxxxxxx', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An arithmetic exception condition occurred on an attempt to divide a floating-point/decimal number by 0. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001176 %x000001177 %x000001178 %x000001179 %x000001180 %x000001181 %x000001182 %x000001183

FLTUND, arithmetic trap, floating underflow at PC='xxxxxxxx', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An arithmetic exception condition occurred as a result of floating-point underflow. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001184 %x000001185 %x000001186 %x000001187 %x000001188 %x000001189 %x000001190 %x000001191

DECOVF, arithmetic trap, decimal overflow at PC='xxxxxxxx', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services A decimal overflow caused an arithmetic overflow condition. Examine the PC location displayed in the message and check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001192 %x000001193 %x000001194 %x000001195 %x000001196 %x000001197 %x000001198 %x000001199

SUBRNG, arithmetic trap, subscript out of range at PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services A subscript out of range caused an arithmetic exception condition. Examine the PC location displayed in the message, and check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001200 %x000001201 %x000001202 %x000001203 %x000001204 %x000001205 %x000001206 %x000001207

FLTOVF_F, arithmetic fault, floating overflow at PC='xxxxxxxx', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services During an arithmetic operation, a floating-point value exceeded the largest representable value for that data type. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001208 %x000001209 %x000001210 %x000001211 %x000001212 %x000001213 %x000001214 %x000001215

FLTDIV_F, arithmetic fault, floating divide by zero at PC='xxxxxxxx', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services During a floating-point operation, an attempt is made to divide by 0. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly. During an arithmetic operation, a floating-point value became less than the smallest representable value for that data type. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001216 %x000001217 %x000001218 %x000001219 %x000001220 %x000001221 %x000001222 %x000001223

FLTUND_F, arithmetic fault, floating underflow at PC='xxxxxxxx', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services During an arithmetic operation, a floating-point value became less than the smallest representable value for that data type. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001224 %x000001225 %x000001226 %x000001227 %x000001228 %x000001229 %x000001230 %x000001231

INHCHMK, inhibited CHMKernel trap, code='xxxxxxxx', PC='xxxxxxxx', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An applications program attempted a system service that is inhibited to it. Ask the system manager which system services are currently inhibited and remove them from the program.

%x000001232 %x000001233 %x000001234 %x000001235 %x000001236 %x000001237 %x000001238 %x000001239

INHCHME, inhibited CHMExecutive trap, code='xxxxxxxx', PC='xxxxxxxx', PSL='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An applications program attempted a system service that is inhibited to it. Ask the system manager which system services are currently inhibited and remove them from the program.

%x000001240 %x000001241 %x000001242 %x000001243 %x000001244 %x000001245 %x000001246 %x000001247

VECDIS, vector disabled fault, code='xx', PC='location', PSL='xxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services The current process issued a vector instruction that requires an idle vector processor to become active. Under normal circumstances, this event is not reported to a system user. However, if the vector processor was originally disabled due to some error involving the current process, the VECDIS message is issued in association with one of the following messages:
  • BADCONTEXT - The vector state of the mainline routine is corrupt and cannot be restored.
  • CPUNOTACT - The VAX system contains no vector-present processor on which to schedule the current process.
  • EXQUOTA - The OpenVMS operating system cannot allocate sufficient space to save the vector state of the mainline routine because the process in which the routine is executing exceeded process paging file quota.
  • INSFMEM - Insufficient nonpaged dynamic memory exists to turn the current process into a vector consumer.
  • INSFWSL - The OpenVMS operating system cannot allocate sufficient space to save the vector state of the mainline routine because the working set limit of the process in which the routine is executing is too low.
  • MCHECK - The vector processor has been disabled due to the detection of a hardware error.
  • NOPRIV - An ACL on the vector capability denied a user mode program access to the vector processor.
  • VASFULL - The OpenVMS operating system cannot allocate sufficient space to save the vector state of the mainline routine because the address space (P0 space) of the process in which the routine is executing is full.
See the description of the associated status code for additional information on the error.

%x000001256 %x000001257 %x000001258 %x000001259 %x000001260 %x000001261 %x000001262 %x000001263

ILLVECOP, illegal vector opcode fault, opcode='xx', PC='location',
SYSTEM, System Services An operation code designated as an illegal vector opcode by the VAX architecture has been encountered during the execution of an image. This message indicates an exception condition and is usually followed by a display of the condition arguments, registers, and stack at the time of the exception. Examine the PC of the vector instruction that caused the exception to be reported. (Note, however, that this instruction is not always the instruction that caused the exception.)

%x000001264 %x000001265 %x000001266 %x000001267 %x000001268 %x000001269 %x000001270 %x000001271

VECALIGN, vector alignment exception, reason mask='xx', virtual address='location', PC='location', PSL='xxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services The current process issued a VAX vector memory access instruction that attempted an operation on an improperly aligned vector element. The VAX architecture requires that vector operands to vector memory access instructions be naturally aligned in memory. Longwords must be aligned on longword boundaries; quadwords must be aligned on quadword boundaries. This message indicates an exception condition and is followed by a register and stack dump to help locate the error. The reason mask is a longword whose lowest three bits, if set, indicate that the instruction caused a length violation (bit 0), referenced the process page table (bit 1), attempted a read/modify operation (bit 2), was a vector operation on an improperly aligned vector element (bit 3, always set), or was a vector instruction reference to an I/O space address (bit 4). Examine the PC and virtual address displayed in the message. The virtual address is an address in the same page as that address to which the access was attempted. Check the program listing to verify that the vector operands to vector memory instructions are naturally aligned.

%x000001272 %x000001273 %x000001274 %x000001275 %x000001276 %x000001277 %x000001278 %x000001279

%x000001280 %x000001281 %x000001282 %x000001283 %x000001284 %x000001285 %x000001286 %x000001287

HPARITH, high performance arithmetic trap, Imask='xxxxxxxx', Fmask='xxxxxxxx', summary='xx', PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services The image performed an arithmetic or conversion operation that resulted in an arithmetic trap. When an arithmetic exception condition is detected, several instructions can be in various stages of execution. These instructions are allowed to finish before the arithmetic trap can be initiated. Some of these instructions can themselves cause further arithmetic traps. Thus it is possible for several arithmetic traps to be reported simultaneously. The Imask parameter records all integer registers that were targets of the instructions that set the bits in the exception summary. Bit 0 corresponds to R0, bit 1 corresponds to R1, and so on. The Fmask parameter records all floating-point registers that

%x000001288 %x000001289 %x000001290 %x000001291 %x000001292 %x000001293 %x000001294 %x000001295

ALIGN, data alignment trap, virtual address='location', function='location', PC='location', PSL='location' SYSTEM, System Services An alignment fault occurred in user code, and alignment fault reporting is enabled. If the function argument is 0, the error is with a read or load operation; if the function code is 1, the error is with a write or store operation. This message is informational. The program will run as if there were no alignment fault. None.

%x000001296 %x000001297 %x000001298 %x000001299 %x000001300 %x000001301 %x000001302 %x000001303

UNALIGN_SP_LOAD, unaligned load of SP, virtual address='xxxxxxxx', PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services The image performed a load of the stack pointer from an unaligned location. The virtual address parameter is the virtual address of the source from which to load the stack pointer. Check the program listing to verify that the location is properly aligned.

%x000001304 %x000001305 %x000001306 %x000001307 %x000001308 %x000001309 %x000001310 %x000001311

GENTRAP, software trap, code='xxxxxxxx', PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An exception occurred as the result of executing a GENTRAP PALcode instruction. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001312 %x000001313 %x000001314 %x000001315 %x000001316 %x000001317 %x000001318 %x000001319

FLTINV_F, floating invalid fault, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services One or more illegal operand values were detected on an attempt to perform a floating-point arithmetic, conversion, or comparison operation. Examine the specified PC location. Check the program listing to verify that all operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001320 %x000001321 %x000001322 %x000001323 %x000001324 %x000001325 %x000001326 %x000001327

FLTINE_F, floating inexact fault, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services A floating arithmetic or conversion operation gave a result that differs from the mathematically correct result. Examine the PC location displayed in the message. Check the program listing to verify that the operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001328 %x000001329 %x000001330 %x000001331 %x000001332 %x000001333 %x000001334 %x000001335

DECDIV, decimal divide by zero, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An arithmetic exception occurred as the result of an attempt to divide a decimal number by the value 0. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001336 %x000001337 %x000001338 %x000001339 %x000001340 %x000001341 %x000001342 %x000001343

DECINV, decimal invalid operand, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An arithmetic exception occurred as the result of performing an operation on a decimal operand that contained an invalid digit or sign. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001344 %x000001345 %x000001346 %x000001347 %x000001348 %x000001349 %x000001350 %x000001351

ASSERTERR, assertion error, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An assertion that should have been true was false at execution time. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001352 %x000001353 %x000001354 %x000001355 %x000001356 %x000001357 %x000001358 %x000001359

NULPTRERR, null pointer error, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An exception occurred as the result of attempting to dereference a pointer and access location 0. Location 0 is not a valid pointer. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001360 %x000001361 %x000001362 %x000001363 %x000001364 %x000001365 %x000001366 %x000001367

STKOVF, stack overflow, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An attempt to allocate working storage on the stack exceeded the memory available for the stack. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001368 %x000001369 %x000001370 %x000001371 %x000001372 %x000001373 %x000001374 %x000001375

STRLENERR, string length error, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services The length specified for a string was negative, or it was larger than allowed. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001376 %x000001377 %x000001378 %x000001379 %x000001380 %x000001381 %x000001382 %x000001383

SUBSTRERR, substring error, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An error occurred in a substring operation. Either the starting position or ending position was outside the bounds of the string. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001384 %x000001385 %x000001386 %x000001387 %x000001388 %x000001389 %x000001390 %x000001391

RANGEERR, range error, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An exception occurred as the result of encountering a value that was outside the range specified by the program or language. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001392 %x000001393 %x000001394 %x000001395 %x000001396 %x000001397 %x000001398 %x000001399

SUBRNG1, subscript 1 range error, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services The first subscript of an array reference was outside the declared bounds. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001400 %x000001401 %x000001402 %x000001403 %x000001404 %x000001405 %x000001406 %x000001407

SUBRNG2, subscript 2 range error, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services The second subscript of an array reference was outside the declared bounds. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001408 %x000001409 %x000001410 %x000001411 %x000001412 %x000001413 %x000001414 %x000001415

SUBRNG3, subscript 3 range error, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services The third subscript of an array reference was outside the declared bounds. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001416 %x000001417 %x000001418 %x000001419 %x000001420 %x000001421 %x000001422 %x000001423

SUBRNG4, subscript 4 range error, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services The fourth subscript of an array reference was outside the declared bounds. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001424 %x000001425 %x000001426 %x000001427 %x000001428 %x000001429 %x000001430 %x000001431

SUBRNG5, subscript 5 range error, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services The fifth subscript of an array reference was outside the declared bounds. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001432 %x000001433 %x000001434 %x000001435 %x000001436 %x000001437 %x000001438 %x000001439

SUBRNG6, subscript 6 range error, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services The sixth subscript of an array reference was outside the declared bounds. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001440 %x000001441 %x000001442 %x000001443 %x000001444 %x000001445 %x000001446 %x000001447

SUBRNG7, subscript 7 range error, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services The seventh subscript of an array reference was outside the declared bounds. Examine the PC location displayed in the message; check the program listing to verify that operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001448 %x000001449 %x000001450 %x000001451 %x000001452 %x000001453 %x000001454 %x000001455

PAGRDERRXM, page read error across access modes, I/O status='xx', virtual address='location', PC='location', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services The system failed to read a page owned by an outer mode from disk into memory during an inner mode page fault operation. This message is usually followed by a display of the condition arguments, registers, and stack at the time the exception condition occurred. The virtual address might indicate an address within the page that incurred the read error, rather than the exact address being referenced at the time of the error. Check the status of the device and repeat the request. Also use the DCL command ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE/READ_CHECK to check for a FORCEDERROR message on the image or in the page file. If the failure persists, notify your system manager.

%x000001456 %x000001457 %x000001458 %x000001459 %x000001460 %x000001461 %x000001462 %x000001463

ILLEGAL_SHADOW, illegal formed trap shadow, Imask='xxxxxxxx', Fmask='xxxxxxxx', summary='xx', PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services The instruction sequence does not obey the rules stated in the Alpha Architecture Reference Manual for software completion. It is impossible for system software to complete the IEEE floating-point arithmetic operation. Recompile the program to enable software completion.

%x000001464 %x000001465 %x000001466 %x000001467 %x000001468 %x000001469 %x000001470 %x000001471

FLTINV_F, floating invalid fault, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services One or more illegal operand values were detected on an attempt to perform a floating-point arithmetic, conversion, or comparison operation. Examine the specified PC location. Check the program listing to verify that all operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001472 %x000001473 %x000001474 %x000001475 %x000001476 %x000001477 %x000001478 %x000001479

FLTINE_F, floating inexact fault, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services A floating arithmetic or conversion operation gave a result that differs from the mathematically correct result. Examine the PC location displayed in the message. Check the program listing to verify that the operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001480 %x000001481 %x000001482 %x000001483 %x000001484 %x000001485 %x000001486 %x000001487

INTOVF_F, integer overflow fault, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An integer overflow occurred on an OpenVMS Alpha CVTQL or CVTGQ instruction, and integer overflow reporting is explicitly enabled in the instruction. Examine the PC location displayed in the message. Check the program listing to verify that the operands or variables are specified correctly.

%x000001488 %x000001489 %x000001490 %x000001491 %x000001492 %x000001493 %x000001494 %x000001495

NATFAULT, register NaT Consumption fault, reason mask='xx', PC='location', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services On I64, an image attempted to use a register whose value is Not A Thing. Bit 2 of the reason mask indicates that a read operation was attempted, probably with a NaT address. A NaT value can be generated by a user program using an I64 feature called control speculation. However, compiler-generated code should never take a NaT fault. Examine any user-written I64 assembly language code for bugs involving control speculation. Any register loaded speculatively must be tested for NaT before being used. NaT values are not allowed to be passed as arguments to other routines. If no user-written I64 assembly language is involved, contact HP Customer Support.

%x000001496 %x000001497 %x000001498 %x000001499 %x000001500 %x000001501 %x000001502 %x000001503

FLTDENORMAL, denormal operand encountered, PC='xxxxxxxx', PS='xxxxxxxx' SYSTEM, System Services An IEEE denormal operand was detected as input to a floating-point arithmetic, conversion, or comparison operation. By default these operands are processed normally, but a program can request that this exception be raised instead, by an appropriate call to SYS$IEEE_SET_FP_CONTROL. Examine the specified PC location. Check the program listing to verify that all operands or variables are specified correctly. If you conclude that denormal operands should be processed, change or remove your call of SYS$IEEE_SET_FP_CONTROL that requests this exception instead.